Our Own Power: Community Campaigns
Across the globe, communities are reclaiming their power by producing communtity-owned clean, renewable energy.
In Chad, people are putting solar panels on schools and small businesses where there is no electricity grid. In the Amazon, Indigenous communities are using solar to stay independent from oil. In South Africa, communities are transforming old mines into shining renewable energy plants that power homes and help transition away from fossil fuels.
A fossil-free world is ours in the making. In every corner of the world, communities that have been least served by the fossil fuel era are coming together to build safe, affordable and reliable energy.
Together, we are taking the power away from the fossil fuel industry.
Ready to take part in our global movement to advance community-led renewable energy? Start an Our Own Power Petition Campaign.

Campaigns (2)
UccleLet's make 1180 Uccle, Belgium sober!Belgium is one of the most dense country in the world (about 350 inhabitant per square km). Cities such as Bruxelles are even denser. In the meantime, Belgium and especially Uccle, is also a place with one of the highest GDP per habitant in the world. Since GDP is correlated with energy consumption, which is until now dominated by fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil), this means that on average Belgium citizens consume way to much energy. While renewable energy, or green energy (e.g. solar panels, windmills) needs to be promoted instead of fossil fuel energy, the most important is to drastically reduce energy consumption. This can be achieved if strong measures, as described above, are adopted. Consuming less energy does not mean having less well-being. Cars, fast-food and fast-fashion do not create happiness for the consumer, they just make CEOs of big corporations wealthier by increasing their profit while destroying the environment that is yet essential for a decent life for all.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vincent Perrot
El CarmenPromover el uso de energia limpia para calefacción y evitar el uso de vehiculos en el área urbanaQueremos que la vida del Pueblo sea parte de un mundo más justo y libre de combustibles fósiles. Si nuestro gobierno local y central comienzan a invertir en iniciativas y proyectos de energía renovable liderados por la comunidad nos estaremos ayudando a que nuestra comunidad prospe positivamente. Estas iniciativas y proyectos respaldarán las preferencias por el uso de vehículos sin uso de combustible fosil y aportar a una transición energética con el uso de la Bicicleta y/o la preferencia a caminar,eso reducirá nuestras facturas y limpiarán nuestro aire. Si logramos, el cambiarnos a un nuevo estilo de vida, por la vía de transportarnos con el menor uso de vehículos a combustible fosil, por sobre el uso de la bicicleta y la preferencia por caminar, entonces podemos los cambios en el mundo que esperas ver tienen sentido.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Hugo Correa Pietra