Think of us like a campaign office. You're welcome to come in and use the space as long as we're working towards the same goals and you respect the people around you. This means...

  • This is a space for people who want to start campaigns to create a world that has moved beyond fossil fuels. 
  • We believe the overwhelming scientific consensus of man-made climate change. If you'd like to debate the science behind it that's fine, the internet is a big place and you can easily do it somewhere else.
  • This isn't a hotel but more of a share house. You're responsible for keeping your campaign up to a reasonable standard and doing the work to make it a success.
  • Not all campaigns will be treated equally. We have a shoe-string budget and overworked staff and will invest more in campaigns who we think are going to make a big impact or are close to winning.
  • If you leave nasty comments lying around you'll be asked to leave.
  • There might be glitches, bugs and inconveniences along the way as we live together. If this happens please be patient - we'll try to fix things as soon as we can.

If all that sounds good then welcome, have a look around and make yourself at home. We can't wait to work with you!