To: NAU Endowment and Foundation:
Northern Arizona University: Go Fossil Free!
Fossil Free NAU is a student led campaign that aims to eliminate Northern Arizona University's investment in the top 200 coal, oil, and natural gas corporations and to reinvest in just and sustainable solutions from communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis. Because it is unconscionable to pay for our education with investments that will condemn the planet, current and future generations, and that disproportionately put low-income and communities of color at risk of climate disaster, we call on the Northern Arizona University Foundation to immediately freeze any new investments in fossil-fuel corporations and to divest within five years from direct ownership and from any commingled funds that include fossil-fuel public equities and corporate bonds.
Why is this important?
As youth, we have a common stake in this fight. As young people, we will inherit the consequences of a poorly managed environment and economy, and we believe our institution has a moral and economic responsibility to take bold climate action.
Serving the interests of the 1% is not in the mission of our universities, yet they are increasingly coming under corporate control and refusing to act in the interest of students. Climate change is a real and serious threat to current and future generations and its impacts are currently being felt by those who have contributed the least to this change and yet are often the most affected by it.
Through deep personal relationships, we can challenge and support each other to grow personally and as leaders. Positive social change comes from people standing together, speaking up and taking action. We need to revision our relationship to labor and land in order to radically transform our economy, political system and culture. We cannot settle for “false” solutions that solve symptoms of the crisis because we need real solutions that address the roots of the crisis. Transitioning away from fossil fuels means transitioning towards justice.
Serving the interests of the 1% is not in the mission of our universities, yet they are increasingly coming under corporate control and refusing to act in the interest of students. Climate change is a real and serious threat to current and future generations and its impacts are currently being felt by those who have contributed the least to this change and yet are often the most affected by it.
Through deep personal relationships, we can challenge and support each other to grow personally and as leaders. Positive social change comes from people standing together, speaking up and taking action. We need to revision our relationship to labor and land in order to radically transform our economy, political system and culture. We cannot settle for “false” solutions that solve symptoms of the crisis because we need real solutions that address the roots of the crisis. Transitioning away from fossil fuels means transitioning towards justice.