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To: The Clare Hall Council and Governing Body

Divest Clare Hall from Fossil Fuels

We, as members of the Clare Hall community, believe it is important to address our College’s role in the complex issue of climate change.

Undoubtedly, the fossil fuel industry is a major polluter and powerful political player blocking some of the societal changes needed to tackle climate change.

As such, we ask that the College makes the following commitments:
1. A commitment to remove all of Clare Hall’s direct and indirect investments in companies listed in the Carbon Underground 200 by a specified date within the next three years.
2. A commitment to avoid any future investments in companies listed in the Carbon Underground 2003. A commitment to advocate for the CUEF to increase its transparency and to adopt a policy of fossil fuel divestment during the funds transitory period.
4. A commitment to formulate and implement a responsible investment policy in compliance with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations, and which is consistent with avoiding investment in the fossil fuel industry.

Why is this important?

We petition Clare Hall to divest because scientific evidence shows that catastrophic environmental breakdowns are imminent if drastic changes are not made very soon. Climate change is a matter of social justice and financial responsibility. Marginalized populations are already and will continue to be disproportionately affected by climate change. Divestment weakens fossil fuel companies’ social legitimacy and sends a message that ‘business-as-usual’ is unacceptable.

We petition Clare Hall to recognize the social and financial value of divested portfolios. Fossil free funds have been shown to perform on par with or better than conventional investments. Managers experienced with ESG investing can help make this a feasible and financially responsible path. We support the proposal for divestment to also include targeted investing in businesses that promote sustainable environmental practices and better energy alternatives to fossil fuels.

We also petition Clare Hall to divest because we believe that it would align with the College’s history of operating on progressive values, and its stated commitment to improving energy conservation and reducing our carbon footprint.

Finally, we petition Clare Hall to divest because it represents an opportunity to join the 988 institutions already committed to divestment globally (combined worth $7.18 trillion), and to show leadership where our university has so far not done so. As more colleges consider taking similar action, we believe that Clare Hall can be a leading, influential voice in the local and international debate on divestment from fossil fuels, as one step in the broader challenge of addressing climate change.

For sources and the full policy proposal document contact [email protected]

How it will be delivered

Fossil Free Clare Hall will deliver this petition to the Governing Body/College Council in Lent 2019, as a symbol of our community's support for the proposal to divest.

Cambridge, UK

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2019-03-08 01:35:18 -0500

VICTORY!!!!! Clare Hall agrees to divest from fossil fuels!

2018-12-17 06:52:13 -0500

100 signatures reached

2018-11-09 02:38:39 -0500

50 signatures reached

2018-11-08 09:03:30 -0500

25 signatures reached

2018-11-08 06:02:47 -0500

10 signatures reached