To: Professor Nigel Seaton

University Of Abertay: Disinvest From Fossil Fuel Industry

We call on the University Of Abertay, to disinvest from the fossil fuel industry and we specifically, call on the university to:

• Make an immediate statement of principle, expressing its intention to divest its holdings in fossil fuel companies within five years
• Immediately stop making new investments in the industry
• Instruct its investment managers to wind down the university’s existing holdings in the fossil fuel industry over five years
• Publish full details of its ties to the fossil fuel industry, financial and otherwise
• Refrain from giving out honorary degrees to fossil fuel industry CEOs.
• Modify the Ethical Investment Policy to include Fossil Fuel companies as prohibited investments.

Why is this important?

Planet earth is being exploited for its resources by massive fracking, and oil operations around the world which lead to heavy pollution, and global warming.

The future of the UK oil market is questionable due to the rise in oil production in countries which have caused oil prices to be dragged down to levels which cannot be competed against which threatens the off shore industry. In addition to this issue, fracking within the United States has lead to massive production and thus distorting gas market prices.

It has been estimated that in 2030, China will run out of coal and has realized the need for reform and disinvestment from dangerous, and none-renewable energies which harm the environment.

In addition to this, the university has a moral and social responsibility to lead the way as a leading research institution to pave the way for investments in renewable and clean energy.

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How it will be delivered

By hand to Professer Nigel, as well as to UADSA student council.

Abertay University, Bell Street, Dundee, United Kingdom

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