Det mangler ikke store ord og tanker om hva Norge skal drive med for å nå våre klimamål. Men i et samfunn som fortsatt går på oljesmurt høygir mangler det konkret handling innen nye fornybare verdikjeder. Det drives noe forskning og utvikling, men uten en stor industriell aktør med finansiell kraft til å gjennomføre de riktige prosjektene stopper de fleste initiativene opp. Dette gjør at studenter som har utdannet seg til å jobbe innen fornybar energi ikke har en reell mulighet til å jobbe med det de brenner for, men blir i stedet sluset inn i godt betalte petroleums jobber. Når også petroleumsindustrien begynner å møte motbakke og går til oppsigelser haster det mer enn noen gang med å få på plass nye næringer. De fleste ønsker å bruke arbeidslivet til noe som gir mening og som bidrar til en bedre framtid. At en del av Norges befolkning skal jobbe med petroleumsaktiviteter i mange år ses på som naturlig, men der er det ikke jobb for alle. Det haster derfor med å få på plass en satsning innen fornybar energi som kan skape arbeidsplasser for en grønn generasjon. Basert på vår energihistorie har hel, eller deleide statlige selskaper spilt en avgjørende rolle i etableringen av nye næringer. Vi tror at opprettelsen av Greenstat vil kunne bidra positivt til den grønne omleggingen vi ønsker.
    307 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Joel Armelius
  • Fossil Free Uppsala Universitet
    Om världen ska klara de klimatmål som forskare enats om krävs det att fyra femtedelar av all kol, olja och gas stannar under jorden. Detta betyder att enorma summor pengar som fossilindustrin räknar som sina tillgångar, är pengar som inte får realiseras - en "fossilbubbla". Investeringar i fossila bränslen är både oetiskt, ohållbart och oekonomiskt. Framförallt är det att sätta ungas framtid på spel! Vi studenter på Uppsala Universitet vill visa att vi ställer oss bakom en ansvarsfull placering av de pengar som finansierar vår utbildning! UU har tagit en del steg mot att verka för hållbar utveckling. Vi vill uppmärksamma att även vart pengar investeras har stor betydelse för vilka värden skolan kommunicerar och vilka verksamheter den stödjer. Denna fråga har uppmärksammats på flera andra universitet och högskolor i Sverige, och är en del av en större internationell kampanj. Vi vill se att UU går före i denna utveckling! Studenter kan och borde påverka sin skola i en hållbar riktning! ENGLISH: If we are to reach the global climate goals agreed upon by scientists, 80 % of all coal, oil and gas need to remain unexploited. Hence, we have enormous amounts of money which are counted as assets by the fossil industry but cannot actually be realized – a “fossil bubble”. Investment in fossil fuel is unethical, unsustainable and uneconomical. Above all it is jeopardizing the future of today’s youth! As Uppsala University students, we want to show our support for responsible investment of the money that is financing our education! The university has taken some steps in working for a more sustainable development. We would like to draw attention to the fact that financial investments are also of major importance for the values that the university communicates and the activities it supports. This issue has been highlighted at a number of universities and colleges in Sweden, and is part of a larger international campaign. We would like to see UU take the lead in this development! Students can, and should, influence their university to move in a more sustainable direction!
    1,731 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Fanny Sannerud
  • Divest SUNY
    Climate change is accelerating. We are witnessing the increasing impacts of a warming planet more and more consistently; 2013 was the fourth hottest year in recorded history. There was record-breaking heat, droughts, floods and hurricanes across the globe which impacted hundreds of thousands of people and cost countries hundreds of billions of dollars. From 2011-2013, disaster relief from extreme weather cost the U.S. $136bn. Experts agree that global warming caused by humans burning fossil fuels will continue to accelerate and intensify these tragic climate disasters. A scientific study found that April 2014 was the first month in human history where CO2 in the air rose to an average of over 400 ppm. The scientific consensus is clear and overwhelming; we cannot safely burn even half of global fossil-fuel reserves without dangerously warming the planet for several thousand years. The SUNY system is contributing to this destruction by investing in the fossil fuel industry. As the largest comprehensive university system in the U.S., this is immoral and unacceptable. The SUNY mission statement includes that each university “shares the expertise of the state university[...]through a program of public service for the purpose of enhancing the well-being of the people of the state of New York and in protecting our environmental and marine resources,” something that cannot be accomplished while continuing to hold these investments. SUNY should show leadership by investing in progressive companies that will lead us to a clean energy future.
    447 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Zachary Beaudoin
  • Oxford Alumni for Fossil Fuel Divestment
    Investments are a political statement. While the University remains invested in fossil fuels it aligns its financial interest with, and endorses the behaviour of, the most destructive industry on the planet. Climate change is the greatest human rights challenge of our time; if it’s wrong to wreck the climate, it’s wrong to profit from that wreckage. In the past, both in the case of South African apartheid and arms manufacturers associated with cluster munitions, the University has taken a stand on issues through its investment policy. In the case of climate change, the University must stand with hundreds of other institutions around the world that have already shown leadership on climate change and divested from fossil fuels. For the University to invest in the fossil fuel industry is inconsistent with its own policy to “ensure that its investment decisions (including those taken on its behalf) take into account social, environmental and political issues in order to maintain its ethical standards”. Oxford scholars are at the forefront of research on the impacts of climate change, and were lead authors of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report - the global authority on climate science. The report made clear that 80% of known fossil fuel reserves must remain unburned to stay below the critical threshold of two degrees of global warming. Fossil fuel companies continue to disregard this scientific consensus. They are committed to burning 100% of their reserves, are actively exploring for more in ever more extreme environments, and are lobbying extensively to block meaningful action on climate change. Leading actors in the financial sector acknowledge that fossil fuel investments are increasingly risky, given that known reserves will become ‘unburnable’ in a carbon constrained world. This work is being championed by Oxford Smith School’s own ‘Stranded Assets’ programme. We may already be seeing the influence of the IPCC research on the oil market: a recent report by Deutsche Bank suggested that last year’s drop in oil prices was driven by growing consciousness of a carbon budget and political momentum. By divesting from fossil fuels, the University can adopt the best investment practice both ethically and financially, act for the future of its scholars and alumni, and add its weight to the political momentum that is already undermining the industry. As Oxford alumni and donors, we urge our alma mater to take action on climate change and divest from fossil fuels. Further alumni action: Various alumni, including Guardian journalist George Monbiot, have agreed to symbolically hand back their degrees if the University does not divest. If you want to join in, please let us know here: http://tinyurl.com/handbackdegree, or any questions please email eande . chair@ousu . org.
    914 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Danielle Paffard Picture
  • Oxford Academics for Fossil Fuel Divestment
    We believe Oxford should divest for three main reasons: (I) To demonstrate support for its own scholars; (II) To show leadership in a time of unprecedented transition; (III) To honour its fiduciary duties. I. Oxford scholars are global leaders in calling for an end to our collective dependence on fossil fuels. The University of Oxford should support them. Oxford academics are among the lead contributors to the most recent Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports. These reports warn that 80% of the reserves fossil fuel companies currently oversee must remain underground to avoid dangerous climate tipping points. They also show that the tools required to limit global warming to 2°C are available and affordable but that international efforts must be significantly enhanced. Oxford academics are also at the forefront of research into the economic consequences of climate change, highlighting, for instance, the financial implications of ‘stranded’ fossil fuel assets. Former Oxford scholars, now working outside the university, have pioneered similar research into the “carbon bubble.” This analysis is now driving global debate about the systemic financial risks associated with the future collapse of overvalued fossil fuel assets, which will occur when governments regulate to stave off catastrophic climate change. Fossil fuel companies, meanwhile, are failing to heed the advice of Oxford academics, and that of so many others. Instead, they are actively exploring for new fossil fuel reserves; they are refusing to accept the concept of ‘stranded’ assets; and they are lobbying government not to regulate carbon emissions. In short, they are behaving irresponsibly and threatening our future. Oxford scholars demonstrate the environmental and economic imperative to end our dependence on fossil fuels. By divesting, the University can amplify the voice of its academics and signal to policy makers the need to act now on climate change. II. The University of Oxford has a responsibility to show leadership in tackling one of the greatest challenges we as a society currently face. Climate change is an emergency and opinion leaders are rising to the challenge, calling for immediate change. A major focus is divestment from fossil fuels. Anti-apartheid campaigner Desmond Tutu, former Irish president Mary Robinson, World Bank president Jim Yong Kim, the British Medical Journal, the UNFCCC’s executive secretary Christiana Figueres and Lord Stern all agree. In the words of Tutu, “It makes no sense to invest in companies that undermine our future.” The University of Oxford has its own reputation as a leading institution, both in the UK and globally. It predates fossil fuel companies, and it will outlast them. To help secure that future, though, Oxford can make a powerful statement by divesting its endowment from fossil fuels. This action would, moreover, accord with the University’s own commitment to ensuring “it makes investment decisions responsibly and with integrity” by “[taking] into account social, environmental and political issues in order to maintain its ethical standards.” III. Oxford University has a fiduciary duty to divest from fossil fuels. As Oxford academics and staff, we support the university Council and Oxford University Endowment Manager (OUem) in their efforts to fulfil their fiduciary duties. We nevertheless encourage them to consider how climate change risks challenge standard interpretations of what these duties entail. Fiduciary duty is an ambiguous legal concept. It is generally thought to mean the responsibility of a trustee, investment manager or other financial intermediary to ensure maximum short-term returns on investments. The Kay Report and the Law Commission review both question this “short-termism.” They instead call on fund trustees to consider “longer term factors which might impact on company performance, including questions of sustainability or environmental and social impact.” As already noted, concern over the long-term financial viability of fossil fuel investments is spreading rapidly. This thinking is, moreover, moving into the financial mainstream. The Norwegian sovereign wealth fund, the largest such fund in the world, is considering divesting from fossil fuels, HSBC has published reports warning against the future risks of fossil fuel investments, and Blackrock has responded by creating fossil free asset portfolios. Given these growing concerns over long-term environmental sustainability and financial stability, we encourage the university to fulfil its fiduciary duties by divesting from fossil fuels. In conclusion: By divesting from fossil fuels, Oxford University can support its scholars, show leadership, and adopt the best investment practice, both from an ethical and financial perspective. As Oxford academics and staff, we therefore urge our university to take action on climate change and divest from fossil fuels.
    151 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Michaela Collord
  • La Trobe University to Divest from Fossil Fuels
    The scientific consensus is clear and overwhelming; we cannot safely burn even half of global fossil-fuel reserves without dangerously warming the planet for several thousand years. For this reason, Australia needs to transition away from non-renewable energy as soon as possible, but unfortunately this is not happening fast enough. This is why we need large, reputable institutions like La Trobe University to divest from all fossil fuel companies to send a clear message to every Australian that we cannot continue ‘business as usual’. So, for the good of our students and our nation, and to preserve the quality of life for this and future generations worldwide, we call upon La Trobe University to divest from enterprises that extract, transport, process or distribute fossil fuels.
    925 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Tiana Davison
  • Santa Clara University: Go Fossil Free!
    We will surpass the manageable global warming temperature threshold within 15 years if we do not take immediate action to drastically reduce carbon emissions. Fossil fuel companies contribute most egregiously to this terrifying reality. To address this issue, the divestment campaign is urging cities, schools, religious institutions, and other organizations around the world to divest from the top 200 fossil fuel extraction companies as listed by the Carbon Tracker Initiative. Santa Clara University should be the next to divest. Although the world’s wealthiest countries produce the vast majority of carbon emissions globally, the unsettling reality is that the poorest countries are the least equipped to deal with the effects of climate change. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “even under the most conservative scenario, sea level will be about 40 cm higher than today by the end of 21st century,” which will “increase the annual number of people flooded in coastal populations from 13 million to 94 million,” mostly in already impoverished South and East Asian countries. Globally, climate change introduces the threat of food shortages, risks to households in low-elevation areas, spread of diseases, and increases in the intensity and frequency of tropical storms: tragedies that will affect the world’s poor disproportionately. Jesuit values urge us as educated and empathetic individuals to take action against this profound injustice that has already begun to afflict the world’s most vulnerable. As a leading Jesuit university, SCU strives to instill in the minds and hearts of its students the values of competence, conscience, and compassion. These Jesuit values, if genuinely practiced, compel us as globally minded citizens and engaged members of the SCU community to demand that our university becomes a leader in the fight against climate change, rather than continuing to contribute to the most formidable issue our world has ever known. For us to truly embody the “three C’s,” we feel it is imperative that our university take a definitive stand against this industry that blindly disregards the wellbeing of our world’s most vulnerable communities, while threatening the viability of a livable future for all. Divestment from these top 200 companies is a crucial step in curbing irreversible damage to our planet, and showing through action, rather than through words alone, that Santa Clara University does not support the morals and practices of these corporations. By divesting, SCU will create an avenue for long term financial stability, remain true to its core values, and continue to be a leader among Jesuit universities in sustainable action and social justice. Fossil Free SCU is a coalition of the Santa Clara Community Action Program's environmental justice club B-LEJIT (Bronco Leaders for Environmental Justice Investigating Truth) and GREEN Club. Questions? Contact: [email protected]
    680 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Claire Overholt
  • Drew Divests
    Help us to get Drew University to join the growing number of schools divesting from fossil fuels (ie selling our investments in fossil fuel companies). In this call to action, we will discuss some of the ethical and financial reasons for divesting. Given the clear academic consensus that climate change is a calamitous reality, our tuition dollars should not be invested in businesses that contribute to this problem (at the expense of our generation as well as future ones). If Drew University truly has the best interest of its students at heart, it must not financially support industries that jeopardize our future. Thus far, Drew has placed a commendable emphasis on environmental issues. We have an Environmental Studies and Sustainability program, a sustainability office, and off campus programs dedicated to both the study of ecosystems and the disastrous impact that fossil fuels have on them. It is important that the sustainability-minded approach that characterizes our academics be manifested in the school’s financial actions as well. Moreover, as an educational institution, we should not be financially supporting businesses that have actively spread misinformation concerning climate change and other environmental issues. Specifically, fossil fuel companies have worked exceedingly hard to discredit forms of alternative energy. Not only do these investments contradict the academic nature of our university, we feel that supporting fossil fuels is fiscally irresponsible in the long run. As indicated by the points below, the growing academic consensus is that our current fossil fuel production is not financially sustainable. 1. Global conventional oil discoveries peaked in the 1970s. 2. Conventional oil production in the U.S. peaked around 1970 and has been in decline ever since. Likewise, conventional oil production has peaked in most other major oil producing countries- including Russia, Venezuela, the United Kingdom, Mexico, and Norway. 3. New alternative sources of oil (such as Kerogen and tar sands) are expensive to obtain and not cost effective. 4. Other universities (and even some nations) are already divesting and selling their holdings in the fossil fuel industry. It is important that we divest now before the prices of fossil fuel stocks fall and we get left behind. This is a call to action in response to the challenges facing our generations. You can be a part of Drew University’s proud history of leading the way in fostering global change (as seen in our role in the anti-apartheid movement or our current efforts to embrace globalization and become one of the most international colleges in the country). This divestment movement is a rare opportunity to take significant action and meet these challenges head-on. With your support, Drew can continue leading the way. After all, what good is our education if we don’t use it?
    349 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Cassandra Worthington
  • Konstanz - öffentliche Investitionen raus aus fossilen Brennstoffen
    Die Klimakrise und ihre Folgen stellen eine akute Gefahr für unsere Gesellschaften dar. Die globale Temperatur steigt kontinuierlich an. Schon heute sind die zerstörerischen Folgen dieser Entwicklung auch bei uns spürbar. Dazu gehören immer mehr extreme Hitzeperioden in europäischen Städten genauso wie die Jahrhundertfluten, die inzwischen alle 10 Jahre auftreten. Bei der “Jahrhundertflut” 2013 waren neun Bundesländer betroffen, in 55 Landkreisen musste Katastrophenalarm ausgerufen werden, Zehntausende Menschen mussten für Wochen ihre Wohnungen verlassen. Das Klima verändert sich buchstäblich vor unseren Augen. Beinahe alle Regierungen der Welt stimmen heute überein, dass eine Erwärmung um mehr als 2°C gefährlich wäre und durch katastrophale Rückkopplungen dazu führen könnte, dass auf unserem Planeten menschliches Leben unmöglich wird. Gleichzeitig bleiben uns nur noch weniger als 10 Jahre die entscheidenden Schritte einzuleiten um das 2° Ziel noch zu erreichen und eine sich immer weiter selbst verstärkende Erwärmung zu verhindern. Dazu müssen wir dafür sorgen, dass 80% aller heute bekannten Vorkommen fossiler Brennstoffe unter der Erde bleiben. Erdölkonzerne erschließen jedoch immer schneller die bestehenden Vorkommen und geben gleichzeitig Milliarden aus, um immer mehr fossile Brennstoffe zu finden. Wenn wir so weitermachen wie bisher, ist die Welt auf bestem Wege, fünfmal soviel fossile Brennstoffe zu verbrennen wie laut vorsichtigen Schätzungen „sicher“ wären.
    290 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Felix Müller Picture
  • Divest Lancaster University from Unethical Investment
    It's 2021 and Lancaster University is STILL investing in fossil fuels to the tune of £171,753. UK universities support the fossil fuel industry directly through investments in companies such as BP and Shell. Lancaster University's involvement with this industry is incompatible with their image as a green university, actively promoting renewable energy and sustainability. When this campaign began in 2014 around 14% of the university's current investments were in fossil fuels and nearly 4% of investments were in the arms trade. These investments are incompatible with the view of Lancaster as an ethical and environmentally friendly university, and we believe an increased awareness and lobbying by students will encourage the university management to adopt an ethical investment policy. Link to our most up to date information on the University's investments: https://peopleandplanet.org/university/129384#fossil-free-scorecard Link to our early research: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/university_investments_2?nocache=incoming-575353#incoming-575353
    1,424 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Orla McKeon-Carter
    According to the most recent projections, the world is headed on a course to global warming of 4 degrees by the end of this century if we carry on emitting CO2 at current rates. [1] It is clear that fossil fuels are not the way forward, and that we must end our addiction to carbon and find sustainable energy alternatives before it is too late. Despite this, our governments and institutions continue to invest vast sums in companies extracting oil and gas, giving them huge public subsidies that have helped to make them some of the most profitable companies in the world. The University of Sussex is renowned as a progressive institution, and we believe that the University should lead by example and join dozens of other universities, religious institutions and local governments across the world that have already committed to investing its money ethically, and going fossil free. Collectively, we have the opportunity to send an important signal to our governments and the private sector about the urgent moral and financial imperative of phasing out fossil fuels.
    2,054 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Mohun
  • Divest the City of Beaverton from Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Power!
    Our local government has a responsibility to divest from an industry that’s destroying our future. We can reinvest in solutions to climate change! For more about my work on Climate Change as I prepare to become a Bar Mitzvah please visit: yitzchakadin.wordpress.com. We can not count on action by the federal government. We as individuals, citizens, and members of other organizations need to act also. Extreme weather events are overwhelming local budgets across our country. Nuclear power is no better--not only is it nuclear (and therefore terrible, which should be obvious)--fossil fuels are used heavily in its production and in attempts to minimize the hazard of storing nuclear waste. We have the solutions, but we won’t see any political progress on the issue until we can weaken the power of the fossil fuel industry. The bottom line is this: divestment is the only moral choice for governments that care about their citizens. Solving the climate crisis is the only practical choice for governments that care about their solvency. It's time to divest from fossil fuels and nuclear power now!
    532 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Pam and Rob and Miko and Isaac Vergun