Charlottetown: We demand an Emergency Resolution on Climate and AffordabilityPeople in our community are struggling to pay their bills and afford basic necessities. All this as the climate crisis gets worse, year after year, putting our health and safety at risk. That's why we're calling on municipalities from coast to coast to coast to pass Emergency Resolution on Climate and Affordability. It’s critical for municipalities to firmly commit to prioritize climate solutions that materially improve our lives now as well as safeguard our future. Municipalities must also raise a unified voice for federal support because many of the climate solutions that make life safer and more affordable are delivered at the municipal level, but local governments often face funding shortfalls and policy obstacles. Everyone deserves access to reliable and resilient electricity that keeps our families and communities safe and connected, without destroying the planet. Everyone deserves access to affordable housing that keeps us warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Everyone deserves accessible, sustainable, and reliable transportation options. Everyone deserves decent, well-paying unionized jobs in a green economy. And all those directly affected by climate impacts deserve immediate and direct support. We call on you to affirm your commitment to an affordable, safe future by immediately passing an Emergency Resolution on Climate Action and Affordability. Join a growing movement of municipalities standing up for bold climate action.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jill MacIntyre
Fossil Free Stellenbosch UniversityClimate change is a global crisis. Its implications will impact every global citizen, with the most disastrous consequences being felt by the impoverished. As stakeholders of Stellenbosch University, we as students must require the university's administration to invest in our future, and the future of our children, by divesting the university's endowment funds from fossil fuels and reinvesting them into sustainable funds. As members of the Stellenbosch community, we must ensure that the town's university - which has a substantial impact on Stellenbosch's development - administrates its funds sustainably, to ensure its long-term financial health. And as citizens of South Africa - a region threatened by extensive drought due to global warming - we must hold one of the wealthiest public universities in the country to account for funding climate change.151 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Anais Breytenbach
BTH-studenternas klimatuppropBTH students’ climate call An urgent transition towards a future within the planetary boundaries (I) is vital and has already begun. An increasing number of Swedish universities have taken the first steps to reduce their own greenhouse gas emissions: Stockholm University has signed an international initiative that calls for a climate emergency to be declared (II); The Department of Peace and Conflict at Uppsala University will halve their air travel emissions by 2022 (III); and Chalmers gives their exchange students grants for travelling by train (IV). It is now time for Blekinge Institute of Technology, that already has a sustainability profile, to become a part of this positive transition. With this petition, we demand that BTH, taking into account the Paris agreement, halves its greenhouse gas emissions within 4 years and that they are down at zero before 2030. This concerns all of BTH’s emissions, including for example domestic and foreign air travel and construction. In Sweden, we have both the responsibility and the possibilities to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions faster than the global average, as stressed by the Paris agreement (V). During 2018, air travel accounted for 83% (VI) of BTH's transport-related greenhouse gas emissions, and is therefore undoubtedly the most important area for BTH to reduce its climate impact. We demand that BTH develops action plans with clear guidelines and measurable and time-bound goals on how these (and other) emissions should be reduced. We also demand that greenhouse gas emissions from study trips as well as invited partners' travels are included in the calculations. By reducing air travel, as soon as possible choosing climate-smart transport alternatives, and in the short term compensating for air travel emissions (and other emissions that are difficult to eliminate quickly), BTH takes responsibility and will strengthen its profile as a university with a focus on sustainability and IT, nationally and globally. Finally, with regards to the regulatory letter for 2020 and the Climate Framework's commitments, we demand that BTH allocates more resources, human and financial, for the work with sustainability. This call is directed to both the university management and the faculty management to clarify the joint responsibility that you have in deciding the direction of BTH. The petition will be handed over when Klimatstudenterna meet with BTH's management during spring 2020. The science is pointing in one clear direction: We are heading towards one of the biggest crises in modern history. BTH has the opportunity to lead the way into a sustainable future, with talented researchers and teachers in IT and sustainability and with dedicated students who want to do more for sustainability. Take advantage of this, practice what you teach, and act now! Signed, Blekinge Studentkår (Student Union) PlanKan Klimatstudenterna BTH (Climate Students BTH) References (I). Rockström, J. et al. (2009). A safe operating space for humanity. Nature, 461(7263):472-475. (II). Stockholms universitet. (2019). Stockholm University signs global call for Climate Emergency. https://bolin.su.se/index.php/news/891-stockholm-university-signs-global-call-for-climate-emergency?fbclid=IwAR0thC9L3-l-IyRqh95ZREoq7zSdskYBq8UJLksuTVxX5_qw0DjUOvMHY2w (III). Upsala nya tidning. (2019). Uppsala universitet måste minska flygandet. https://www.unt.se/asikt/debatt/uppsala-universitet-maste-minska-flygandet-5271603.aspx (IV). Chalmers tekniska högskola. (2019). Chalmersstudenter byter från flyg till tåg. https://www.chalmers.se/sv/styrkeomraden/energi/nyheter/Sidor/Chalmersstudenter-byter-fran-flyg-till-tag-.aspx?fbclid=IwAR3WPd3JURQSllzr3QYKuQh9GOKzajMV-ViwhTQXGzWjgu21qTry20-xhCk (V). Klimatstudenterna. (2019). Klimatstudenternas mål. https://klimatstudenterna.se/verktyg/ (VI). Blekinge tekniska högskola. (2019). Redovisning av miljöledningsarbetet 2018.450 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Klimatstudenterna BTH
Ett hållbart Umeå universitetUmeå Universitet har tagit en del steg mot hållbarhet. Mellan 2012 och 2017 minskade universitetets koldioxidutsläpp med 20%. För att begränsa temperaturhöjningen till 2 grader behöver utsläppen av växthusgaser i Sverige halveras till 2022. För Umeå universitet är flygandet den enskilt största utsläppskällan. Under 2018 flög anställda på universitetet hela 800 varv runt jorden. Det håller inte! Universitetens klimatpåverkan har uppmärksammats på flera andra svenska universitet genom en nationell kampanj som Klimatstudenterna inlett. Klimatstudenterna Umeå vill se att Umeå universitet går före och visar att forskningen ska tas på allvar! Det är nu det ska hända! ENGLISH: Umeå University has made some progress towards promoting sustainable development. For example, they've reduced their carbon dioxide emissions by 20% between 2012-2017. This is partly due to the fact that travel has decreased, but also because the aircrafts has changed fuel. In order to limit the temperature rise to 2 degrees (according to the Paris agreement), greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden need to be reduced to 50% by 2022. The largest source of emissions is the air travel. In 2018, the university's air travel corresponding to just over 800 trips around the world, this is not sustainable! The university's climate impact has attracted attention at several other Swedish universities and colleges in a major national campaign that the climate students are behind. Climate students Umeå want to see Umeå University take precedence over this transition and work even harder! Students can and should influence their school in a sustainable direction!1,178 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Klimat -studenterna
Halvera GU:s utsläpp för lärosätets trovärdighet!Inom fyra år måste växthusgasutsläppen från industriländer minst halveras (förutsatt att alla gör det) för att vi ens ska ha en liten chans att hålla oss under 1,5 grader (1). Samtidigt planerar världens länder att enbart göra en tredjedel av det som krävs (2). Det betyder att vi är nära att aktivera en domino av tröskeleffekter som leder till en uppvärmning bortom vår kontroll (3). Vi riskerar att minst lämna över en dubbelt så hög uppvärmning till våra barn och barnbarn (4). Det får absolut inte ske! Låt oss nu höja våra röster och skicka en tydlig signal till världens ledare att de snabbt måste åstadkomma betydligt större minskningar av växthusgasutsläppen. Framtiden kan räddas om lärosäten börjar leva som de lär och gör klimatforskningen trovärdig att följa (5). Petition University of Gothenburg Only half of the Swedish universities have environmental goals, and wherever present, they are not in line with scientific requirements. In other words, none of the Swedish universities are taking the climate science in due seriousness. Just like there is no “business on a dead planet”, it is urgent that the universities start practicing what they preach, and give us a reason to study! Air travel accounts for 93% of GU’s greenhouse gas emissions from the total amount of travelling and vehicle use. Therefore we ask vice chancellor Eva Wiberg to rule: - On the adoption of the following goal regarding university travel: carbon dioxide emissions from air travel should decrease by 50% within the next four years. - That flights with the final destination of under 500 km (e.g. Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen) should be forbidden/banned, without exceptions. - On giving the suitable institution the responsibility to create an implementation plan in order to reach these goals. In addition to the goals indicated above, we plea that the management at GU reconceptualises all of the existing environmental goals immediately to cut the total emissions by GU by 50% within the next four years,- in other words, simply to start practicing what they preach in line with the climate research. To do this, GU should also start collecting data from all sectors that produce emissions. Why is this important? Greenhouse gas emissions from the developed countries have to be cut down to at least half the current amounts within the next four years (assuming everyone follows through) to even have the merechance of staying below 1,5 degrees of warming (1). Meanwhile, the world’s countries are only doing a third of what is needed. This means that we are close to activating a domino effect with feedback loops that would lead to a warming beyond our control (3). We are risking to hand over a world to our children and grandchildren that is twice as warm as the 1.5 limit (4). We cannot allow this to happen! Let’s raise our voices and send a clear signal to the leaders of the world that they have to achieve much greater emissions reductions. The future can be saved if the universities start practicing what they preach and follow through with the climate research (5). Referenser: 1. Dagens samhälle (2018). Koldioxidutsläppen måste halveras inom fyra år. Tillgängligt: https://www.dagenssamhalle.se/debatt/koldioxidutslappen-maste-halveras-inom-fyra-ar-23993 [2018-10-05] 2. UNEP (2017). The emission gap report, 2017. Tillgängligt: https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/22070/EGR_2017.pdf [2018-10-05] 3. MCC (2018). That’s how fast the carbon clock is ticking. Tillgängligt: https://www.mcc-berlin.net/en/research/co2-budget.html [2018-10-05] 4. PNAS (2018).Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene. Tillgängligt: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2018/07/31/1810141115 [2018-10-05] 5. Attari, S.Z. Krantz, D.H. & Weber, E.U. (2016). Statements about climate researchers’ carbon footprints affect their credibility and the impact of their advice. Climatic Change, s. 138.391 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Klimatstudenterna Göteborg
Halvera SLU:s utsläpp för lärosätets trovärdighet!Inom fyra år måste växthusgasutsläppen från industriländer minst halveras (förutsatt att alla gör det) för att vi ens ska ha en liten chans att hålla oss under 1,5 grader (1). Samtidigt planerar världens länder att enbart göra en tredjedel av det som krävs (2). Det betyder att vi är nära att aktivera en domino av tröskeleffekter som leder till en uppvärmning bortom vår kontroll (3). Vi riskerar att minst lämna över en dubbelt så hög uppvärmning till våra barn och barnbarn (4). Det får absolut inte ske! Låt oss nu höja våra röster och skicka en tydlig signal till världens ledare att de snabbt måste åstadkomma betydligt större minskningar av växthusgasutsläppen. Framtiden kan räddas om lärosäten börjar leva som de lär och gör klimatforskningen trovärdig att följa (5). Referenser: 1. Dagens samhälle (2018). Koldioxidutsläppen måste halveras inom fyra år. Tillgängligt: https://www.dagenssamhalle.se/debatt/koldioxidutslappen-maste-halveras-inom-fyra-ar-23993 [2018-10-05] 2. UNEP (2017). The emission gap report, 2017. Tillgängligt: https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/22070/EGR_2017.pdf [2018-10-05] 3. MCC (2018). That’s how fast the carbon clock is ticking. Tillgängligt: https://www.mcc-berlin.net/en/research/co2-budget.html [2018-10-05] 4. PNAS (2018).Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene. Tillgängligt: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2018/07/31/1810141115 [2018-10-05] 5. Attari, S.Z. Krantz, D.H. & Weber, E.U. (2016). Statements about climate researchers’ carbon footprints affect their credibility and the impact of their advice. Climatic Change, s. 138.1,186 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Klimatstudenterna #levsomnilär
Stop the expansion of Arlanda airport!Flygandet måste minska: Klimathotet är akut. Flyget är idag beroende av fossila bränslen och de tekniska lösningarna för att göra flyget fossilfritt ligger i bästa fall långt fram i tiden. Vi har inte tid att vänta; därför måste flygandet minska drastiskt. ********************************************************************************** ENGLISH Aviation must be reduced: The climate threat is acute. Today, the aviation is dependent on fossil fuels, and the technical solutions to make the airplane fossil-free are at best case far ahead in time. We do not have time to wait; therefore, flying must be drastically reduced.5,002 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Flyglarm Arlanda
Stop Fracking in The Four Corners AreaMethane Emission, Historical Sites, Earthquakes, Health, Water, Livestock & Food 1) METHANE EMISSION NASA has found that there is so much methane being released in the Four Corners area that it's visible from space. Studies have recently shown that it is primarily due to gas emissions from hydraulic fracturing. (Link at bottom of page) 2) HISTORICAL SITES - CHACO, MESA VERDE & OTHERS The Four Corners area is a national treasure. Some of it is protected but most of it is not. The Anasazi had a huge network of connecting lines leading to spiritual sites. They are becoming almost impossible to see because of the new fracking well access roads created on top of them. Archeologists haven't finished their research in this area, much is still left to be discovered. Fracking is fast encroaching on Chaco Canyon and Mesa Verde. Additional land leases are set to be auctioned off in January for fracking sites in the Greater Chaco area. Some of this land comes within 15 miles of the main Chaco Canyon which is designated as a World Heritage site. http://bit.ly/ChacoFracking 3) EARTHQUAKES Studies have shown that disposal wells for wastewater from fracking have caused earthquake swarms in many places around the country. Some are even quite large as we saw recently in Oklahoma. If this should happen anywhere near the Anasazi ruins it could be disastrous for these historical treasures. (Link at bottom of page) 4) HEALTH People are reporting being sickened by the air quality in communities near the fracking sites. http://bit.ly/FrackingTestimonials (More at bottom of page) 5) WATER The Four Corners area doesn't have a lot of water. Companies are fracking right up to the rivers and Navajo Lake. When toxic chemicals leak it will be disastrous, not only for the people nearby but also for those living downriver. The Navajo Nation's eastern side, which falls in New Mexico, is desperate for water. With basically no water rights, they are forced to rely on ground water. They have to dig very deep, through layers and layers of rock, because the water that's closer to the surface is contaminated with uranium from mining in the WWII era. 40% of the Navajo in this area have no running water in their homes. We should be making things better for them, not worse. Fracking not only endangers the limited water supply but it also uses an enormous amount of water in the process. This is water which would be much better utilized as drinking water rather than fracking water. People can't drink natural gas or oil. http://bit.ly/NavajoNoWater (More at bottom of page) 6) LIVESTOCK, FARMING & FOOD "In addition to the cases documented by Bamberger, hair testing of sick cattle that grazed around well pads in New Mexico found petroleum residues in fifty-four of fifty-six animals." (Link at bottom of page) Methane emission: http://bit.ly/4CornersMethane Earthquakes: http://on.doi.gov/2cvICBe Health (air): http://bit.ly/FrackingAir Health Link 2: http://bit.ly/FrackingAir Water Link 2: http://bit.ly/FrackWater Livestock: http://bit.ly/2cvK4Dy4,442 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Jenni Siri
Shut Down Line 3, Don't Replace It!Canadian pipeline company Enbridge is trying to build a new Keystone XL-sized pipeline to carry tar sands oil through North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. This project -- which the company is billing as a “replacement” of an old and unsafe line -- just got a boost from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of a proposed settlement relating to a massive tar sands oil spill in Michigan that the company was responsible for a few years ago. In effect, the EPA is “punishing” Enbridge for a devastating spill by requiring the company to build an entirely different pipeline that Enbridge has wanted for years. Ordering a bad actor like Enbridge to build a new tar sands pipeline is a recipe for disaster for our climate. The EPA is currently accepting public comments on this decision. Submit a public comment and tell the EPA that operating an unsafe pipeline isn’t something to reward.963 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Andy Pearson
Yvelines - Arrêtez la hausse des impôts pour des projets inutiles.Il se dessine (déjà bien amorcé) un avenir "en béton" dans la vallée de la Seine, une Opération d'Intérêt National (c'est à dire sans aucune concertation avec aucun élu mais décidée au plus haut sommet de l'état comme ça a été le cas pour l'étang de Berre, Corbeil Essone, Roissy, ...). La nouvelle appellation se nomme GPSO (Grand Paris Seine Oise), son drapeau de conquête initial devait être le circuit de formule 1 à Flins. L'ambition de ce titanesque projet est de faire de la région un sanctuaire de flux de marchandises et matériaux. La région parisienne s'est développée plus que les autres car autour se trouvent les plus riches terres agricoles de France (il faut 4000 à 7000 ans pour avoir 18cm de terre arables !) Ce choix de développement aura de très lourdes conséquences à tous les niveaux et les habitants de la région risquent d'en payer un fort tribus (pollution, trafic, endettement, liens social, culture, alimentation,...)302 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Nopivals Collectif
Dr. Shirley Jackson, please stop working for big oilDr. Jackson, you are being asked to step down because of the impact that Marathon Oil has on environmental health issues at a local, national, and global level. LOCALLY Only 8 miles from your home and RPI, for example, the health and welfare of people who live in Albany (including RPI students) are at risk because highly volatile Bakken Crude -- which Marathon Oil produces -- rolls through their communities -- in rail DOT-111 rail tankers that the National Transportation Safety Board itself says put communities at risk. Explosions and fires have already wreaked havoc in communities around North America, including the massive blast in Lac Megantic, Quebec that killed 47 people. These “bomb trains” filled with volatile crude pass within hundreds of feet of densely populated residential areas, and often sit for days on tracks just behind public housing complexes. NATIONALLY The shale gas boom is also expanding fossil fuel production and transport, and creating new problems and risks across the United States. Marathon Oil is active in the Eagle Ford Shale Play near San Antonio, for example. More than 7,000 new oil and gas wells have been drilled in the region since 2007, and thousands more are planned, resulting in dramatic air pollution and associated ill health. Many RPI students and alum are directly impacted because of shale gas developments in their home communities. Meanwhile, research demonstrating often irreversible damage to the environment and human health because of the long chain of activity associated with the shale gas boom continues to build. RPI could play an important leadership role helping translate this research into public policy, firmly grounded in science. GLOBALLY Fossils fuels also create tragic global challenges, with Marathon Oil again bearing notable responsibility. The United Nations reports that that climate change already kills hundreds of thousands of people per year, and that the world’s poorest people are the most vulnerable. Climate change is also creating political instability, driving people across borders and creating diplomatic crises that show no sign of resolution. Fossil fuels -- and Marathon Oil -- are deeply implicated in these tragedies.402 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Igor Vamos
Support the Heathrow 13 and stop the new runway!13 climate protesters are facing prison to silence protest against new runways which would wreck Government policy to protect us from catastrophic climate change. The Paris agreement underlines the need to cut emissions now. Aviation is the fastest growing source of carbon emissions and the only way to reduce emissions from aviation to a safe level is to reduce the number of flights. Despite David Cameron’s ‘no ifs, no buts’ election and manifesto promise to not build a new runway following massive public outrage at the proposals, the Government is now breaking its promise. There is more than enough aviation capacity for people’s annual holidays and the declining number of business flights. Airport growth is driven by a minority of frequent fliers who take the majority of UK flights to second homes and tax havens. Meanwhile, emissions from aviation are destroying people’s lives. People in the Heathrow area, who already have to breathe illegal levels of air pollution and suffer intolerable noise, would now see their homes destroyed. People across the UK have been flooded at Christmas, and every year hundreds of thousands more people die due to climate change - mostly in poor countries in the Global South, the people least responsible for emissions. The Government is expected to make its decision on whether to expand Heathrow or Gatwick – or neither, if we are successful – this year. It’s one or the other: build new runways or protect us from climate chaos. The people in the Global South who are dying due to climate change already have no voice in the debate. We can show them that jailing peaceful protesters will not silence those of us who do.3,006 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Plane Stupid