• Fossil Free Stellenbosch University
    Climate change is a global crisis. Its implications will impact every global citizen, with the most disastrous consequences being felt by the impoverished. As stakeholders of Stellenbosch University, we as students must require the university's administration to invest in our future, and the future of our children, by divesting the university's endowment funds from fossil fuels and reinvesting them into sustainable funds. As members of the Stellenbosch community, we must ensure that the town's university - which has a substantial impact on Stellenbosch's development - administrates its funds sustainably, to ensure its long-term financial health. And as citizens of South Africa - a region threatened by extensive drought due to global warming - we must hold one of the wealthiest public universities in the country to account for funding climate change.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anais Breytenbach
  • Für nachhaltige Finanzen der TU Darmstadt
    “Die TU Darmstadt übernimmt Verantwortung auf dem Weg einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung.” So steht es auf der Website der TU. Auch der Kanzler der TU Darmstadt Dr. Manfred Efinger bekennt sich zur Nachhaltigkeit, wenn er sagt, “nicht nur die TU Darmstadt als Institution, sondern jeder von uns einen wesentlichen Beitrag leisten kann, den ökologischen Fußabdruck zu verringern” [1]. Zum nachhaltigen Handeln gehört auch klimagerechtes Investieren. Doch leider ist es nicht transparent, nach welchen Richtlinien die TU ihr Geld anlegt, obwohl sie sich selbst in der Rolle als Bildungsförderin sieht. Heute gängige Investitionspraktiken ermöglichen die weitere Zerstörung unserer Lebensgrundlagen. Mit einer öffentlichen Anlagerichtlinie, die Investitionen in klimaschädliche Industrien, wie der fossilen Industrie ausschließt und Investitionen in gemeinwohlorientierte Sektoren stärkt, würde die TU einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu den notwendigen gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen leisten und wäre ein Vorbild für klimagerechtes und zukunftsweisendes Handeln. Wir fragen uns, warum gibt es dann noch keinen Divestment-Beschluss der TU Darmstadt, um Anleihen in fossile Unternehmen auszuschließen? Warum gibt es keine Anlagerichtlinie, die Klimaschutz, Gemeinwohl und Gerechtigkeit stärkt? Die Universitäten in Münster, Göttingen und Freiburg haben es gezeigt, dass Uni-Divestment möglich ist. Und schon 2019 hat das Land Hessen beschlossen, die Mittel seiner Pensionsfonds künftig nach nachhaltigen Kriterien anzulegen. Der damalige hessische Finanzminister Dr. Thomas Schäfer zeigte sich überzeugt, “dass langfristige Wertschöpfung nur in einem wirtschaftlich effizienten, nachhaltig gestalteten globalen Finanzsystem möglich ist” [2]. Ein Divestment-Beschluss der TU Darmstadt ginge weit über den symbolischen Wert hinaus. Selbst wenn aktuelle Investitionen nicht von solch einem Beschluss betroffen wären, wirkt diese Entscheidung für kommende Investitionen und als Vorbildfunktion für die Universitätslandschaft. Wir alle haben die Verantwortung die schlimmsten Folgen der Klimakrise abzuwenden. Die TU Darmstadt muss mit einem öffentlichen Divestment-Beschluss und einer zukunftsweisenden Anlagerichtlinie ihren Beitrag leisten. English version: With this petition we call on the Technical University of Darmstadt to: 1. not make any new investments in corporations that make profits from the extraction of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas). 2. to withdraw own shares in direct and indirect investments in such companies, shares, mixed funds or corporate bonds within the next 2 years, i.e. to disinvest, and instead to reinvest in a socially responsible way. 3. to adopt and publish a sustainable investment policy that meets the above criteria. Why is this important? "The TU Darmstadt takes responsibility on the path of sustainable development." That's what it says on the TU's website. Its chancellor, Dr Manfred Efinger, is also committed to sustainability when he says that "not only TU Darmstadt as an institution, but each of us can make a significant contribution to reducing our ecological footprint" [1]. Sustainable action also includes climate-friendly investment. But unfortunately it is not transparent according to which guidelines the TU invests its money, even though it sees itself in the role of promoting education. Today's common investment practices enable the further destruction of our livelihoods. With a public investment guideline that excludes investments in climate-damaging industries, such as fossil fuels, and strengthens investments in sectors oriented towards the common good, TU would make a significant contribution to the necessary social changes and would be a role model for climate-friendly and forward-looking, sustainable action. We ask ourselves: Why then is there still no divestment resolution by TU Darmstadt to exclude bonds in fossil companies? Why are there no investment guidelines that strengthen climate protection, public welfare and justice? The universities in Münster, Göttingen and Freiburg have shown that university divestment is possible. And already in 2019, the state of Hessen decided to invest the funds of its pension funds according to sustainable criteria in the future. Dr Thomas Schäfer, Hessen's Finance Minister at the time, expressed his conviction "that long-term value creation is only possible in an economically efficient, sustainably designed global financial system" [2]. A divestment decision by TU Darmstadt would go far beyond symbolic value. Even if current investments were not affected by such a decision, this decision has an effect on future investments and as a role model for the university landscape. We all have a responsibility to avert the worst consequences of the climate crisis. The TU Darmstadt must make its contribution with a public divestment decision and a forward-looking investment guideline. Wer wir sind / Who we are: https://world.350.org/fossilfreedarmstadt https://www.instagram.com/fossilfreedarmstadt/ https://twitter.com/FossilFree_DA Quellenangaben / Sources: [1] https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/universitaet/mitten_in_der_gesellschaft/nachhaltigkeit_tu/index.de.jsp [2] https://hmulv.hessen.de/pressearchiv/pressemitteilung/pensionsfonds-investieren-nachhaltige-aktienindizes-0 Bildnachweis / Images: https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/studentsoftudarmstadt/bachelor_lehramt/faq.de.jsp
    167 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Fossil Free Darmstadt Picture
  • BTH-studenternas klimatupprop
    BTH students’ climate call An urgent transition towards a future within the planetary boundaries (I) is vital and has already begun. An increasing number of Swedish universities have taken the first steps to reduce their own greenhouse gas emissions: Stockholm University has signed an international initiative that calls for a climate emergency to be declared (II); The Department of Peace and Conflict at Uppsala University will halve their air travel emissions by 2022 (III); and Chalmers gives their exchange students grants for travelling by train (IV). It is now time for Blekinge Institute of Technology, that already has a sustainability profile, to become a part of this positive transition. With this petition, we demand that BTH, taking into account the Paris agreement, halves its greenhouse gas emissions within 4 years and that they are down at zero before 2030. This concerns all of BTH’s emissions, including for example domestic and foreign air travel and construction. In Sweden, we have both the responsibility and the possibilities to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions faster than the global average, as stressed by the Paris agreement (V). During 2018, air travel accounted for 83% (VI) of BTH's transport-related greenhouse gas emissions, and is therefore undoubtedly the most important area for BTH to reduce its climate impact. We demand that BTH develops action plans with clear guidelines and measurable and time-bound goals on how these (and other) emissions should be reduced. We also demand that greenhouse gas emissions from study trips as well as invited partners' travels are included in the calculations. By reducing air travel, as soon as possible choosing climate-smart transport alternatives, and in the short term compensating for air travel emissions (and other emissions that are difficult to eliminate quickly), BTH takes responsibility and will strengthen its profile as a university with a focus on sustainability and IT, nationally and globally. Finally, with regards to the regulatory letter for 2020 and the Climate Framework's commitments, we demand that BTH allocates more resources, human and financial, for the work with sustainability. This call is directed to both the university management and the faculty management to clarify the joint responsibility that you have in deciding the direction of BTH. The petition will be handed over when Klimatstudenterna meet with BTH's management during spring 2020. The science is pointing in one clear direction: We are heading towards one of the biggest crises in modern history. BTH has the opportunity to lead the way into a sustainable future, with talented researchers and teachers in IT and sustainability and with dedicated students who want to do more for sustainability. Take advantage of this, practice what you teach, and act now! Signed, Blekinge Studentkår (Student Union) PlanKan Klimatstudenterna BTH (Climate Students BTH) References (I). Rockström, J. et al. (2009). A safe operating space for humanity. Nature, 461(7263):472-475. (II). Stockholms universitet. (2019). Stockholm University signs global call for Climate Emergency. https://bolin.su.se/index.php/news/891-stockholm-university-signs-global-call-for-climate-emergency?fbclid=IwAR0thC9L3-l-IyRqh95ZREoq7zSdskYBq8UJLksuTVxX5_qw0DjUOvMHY2w (III). Upsala nya tidning. (2019). Uppsala universitet måste minska flygandet. https://www.unt.se/asikt/debatt/uppsala-universitet-maste-minska-flygandet-5271603.aspx (IV). Chalmers tekniska högskola. (2019). Chalmersstudenter byter från flyg till tåg. https://www.chalmers.se/sv/styrkeomraden/energi/nyheter/Sidor/Chalmersstudenter-byter-fran-flyg-till-tag-.aspx?fbclid=IwAR3WPd3JURQSllzr3QYKuQh9GOKzajMV-ViwhTQXGzWjgu21qTry20-xhCk (V). Klimatstudenterna. (2019). Klimatstudenternas mål. https://klimatstudenterna.se/verktyg/ (VI). Blekinge tekniska högskola. (2019). Redovisning av miljöledningsarbetet 2018.
    450 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Klimatstudenterna BTH Picture
  • Stop Colonial Land Fraud in Kanehsatà:ke
    On 11 October 2019, a Kanien’kéha:ka (Mohawk) member of the Kanehsatà:ke community in what is today known as Quebec, Canada, started a Hunger Strike to raise awareness about ongoing land fraud. The strike ended on 25 October 2019 - after two weeks. The strike was taken to bring to attention to the longstanding historical land dispute which has been ignored by officials for over 300 years. Four years ago, the Liberals like all previous governments of Canada before them, deliberately ignored the requests by the Rotinonhseshá:ka to have a meeting to discuss the land dispute; to stop land fraud. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did so with discrimination and disrespect. Still today, in spite of a public calls to respect Indigenous peoples human rights through such reports as the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action, the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women’s inquiry final report, all of which have called for a change in relationship between Canada and Indigenous Peoples; Canada remains silent, refuses to act to protect the rights of the Kanien’kehá:ka of Kanehsatà:ke from “being molested by settlers”; and condones the acts of land fraud on our Homelands The longstanding historical land dispute which was the crux of the 1990 Kanehsatà:ke Siege or Oka Crisis has never been resolved. Therefore, the Hunger Striker is giving of himself in support of the rights of the Kanien’kehá:ka of Kanehsatà:ke to protect the land for present and future generations. A resolution to our land dispute must be in an atmosphere of peace in order to bridge the cavernous break in the relationship between Canada and Onkwehón:we (Indigenous) peoples. We demand once again, for the Government of Canada to place a short term moratorium to halt all development on Kanien’kehá:ka Homelands and for PM Trudeau to meet with the Rotinonhseshá:ka of Kanehsatà:ke. The Rotinonhseshá:ka of Kanehsatà:ke strive for a peaceful resolution to this issue that has plagued Kanehsatà:ke and other Indigenous peoples for far too long.
    1,722 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sean Carleton
  • Ett hållbart Umeå universitet
    Umeå Universitet har tagit en del steg mot hållbarhet. Mellan 2012 och 2017 minskade universitetets koldioxidutsläpp med 20%. För att begränsa temperaturhöjningen till 2 grader behöver utsläppen av växthusgaser i Sverige halveras till 2022. För Umeå universitet är flygandet den enskilt största utsläppskällan. Under 2018 flög anställda på universitetet hela 800 varv runt jorden. Det håller inte! Universitetens klimatpåverkan har uppmärksammats på flera andra svenska universitet genom en nationell kampanj som Klimatstudenterna inlett. Klimatstudenterna Umeå vill se att Umeå universitet går före och visar att forskningen ska tas på allvar! Det är nu det ska hända! ENGLISH: Umeå University has made some progress towards promoting sustainable development. For example, they've reduced their carbon dioxide emissions by 20% between 2012-2017. This is partly due to the fact that travel has decreased, but also because the aircrafts has changed fuel. In order to limit the temperature rise to 2 degrees (according to the Paris agreement), greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden need to be reduced to 50% by 2022. The largest source of emissions is the air travel. In 2018, the university's air travel corresponding to just over 800 trips around the world, this is not sustainable! The university's climate impact has attracted attention at several other Swedish universities and colleges in a major national campaign that the climate students are behind. Climate students Umeå want to see Umeå University take precedence over this transition and work even harder! Students can and should influence their school in a sustainable direction!
    1,178 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Klimat -studenterna
  • Halvera GU:s utsläpp för lärosätets trovärdighet!
    Inom fyra år måste växthusgasutsläppen från industriländer minst halveras (förutsatt att alla gör det) för att vi ens ska ha en liten chans att hålla oss under 1,5 grader (1). Samtidigt planerar världens länder att enbart göra en tredjedel av det som krävs (2). Det betyder att vi är nära att aktivera en domino av tröskeleffekter som leder till en uppvärmning bortom vår kontroll (3). Vi riskerar att minst lämna över en dubbelt så hög uppvärmning till våra barn och barnbarn (4). Det får absolut inte ske! Låt oss nu höja våra röster och skicka en tydlig signal till världens ledare att de snabbt måste åstadkomma betydligt större minskningar av växthusgasutsläppen. Framtiden kan räddas om lärosäten börjar leva som de lär och gör klimatforskningen trovärdig att följa (5). Petition University of Gothenburg Only half of the Swedish universities have environmental goals, and wherever present, they are not in line with scientific requirements. In other words, none of the Swedish universities are taking the climate science in due seriousness. Just like there is no “business on a dead planet”, it is urgent that the universities start practicing what they preach, and give us a reason to study! Air travel accounts for 93% of GU’s greenhouse gas emissions from the total amount of travelling and vehicle use. Therefore we ask vice chancellor Eva Wiberg to rule: - On the adoption of the following goal regarding university travel: carbon dioxide emissions from air travel should decrease by 50% within the next four years. - That flights with the final destination of under 500 km (e.g. Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen) should be forbidden/banned, without exceptions. - On giving the suitable institution the responsibility to create an implementation plan in order to reach these goals. In addition to the goals indicated above, we plea that the management at GU reconceptualises all of the existing environmental goals immediately to cut the total emissions by GU by 50% within the next four years,- in other words, simply to start practicing what they preach in line with the climate research. To do this, GU should also start collecting data from all sectors that produce emissions. Why is this important? Greenhouse gas emissions from the developed countries have to be cut down to at least half the current amounts within the next four years (assuming everyone follows through) to even have the merechance of staying below 1,5 degrees of warming (1). Meanwhile, the world’s countries are only doing a third of what is needed. This means that we are close to activating a domino effect with feedback loops that would lead to a warming beyond our control (3). We are risking to hand over a world to our children and grandchildren that is twice as warm as the 1.5 limit (4). We cannot allow this to happen! Let’s raise our voices and send a clear signal to the leaders of the world that they have to achieve much greater emissions reductions. The future can be saved if the universities start practicing what they preach and follow through with the climate research (5). Referenser: 1. Dagens samhälle (2018). Koldioxidutsläppen måste halveras inom fyra år. Tillgängligt: https://www.dagenssamhalle.se/debatt/koldioxidutslappen-maste-halveras-inom-fyra-ar-23993 [2018-10-05] 2. UNEP (2017). The emission gap report, 2017. Tillgängligt: https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/22070/EGR_2017.pdf [2018-10-05] 3. MCC (2018). That’s how fast the carbon clock is ticking. Tillgängligt: https://www.mcc-berlin.net/en/research/co2-budget.html [2018-10-05] 4. PNAS (2018).Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene. Tillgängligt: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2018/07/31/1810141115 [2018-10-05] 5. Attari, S.Z. Krantz, D.H. & Weber, E.U. (2016). Statements about climate researchers’ carbon footprints affect their credibility and the impact of their advice. Climatic Change, s. 138.
    391 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Klimatstudenterna Göteborg
  • Halvera SLU:s utsläpp för lärosätets trovärdighet!
    Inom fyra år måste växthusgasutsläppen från industriländer minst halveras (förutsatt att alla gör det) för att vi ens ska ha en liten chans att hålla oss under 1,5 grader (1). Samtidigt planerar världens länder att enbart göra en tredjedel av det som krävs (2). Det betyder att vi är nära att aktivera en domino av tröskeleffekter som leder till en uppvärmning bortom vår kontroll (3). Vi riskerar att minst lämna över en dubbelt så hög uppvärmning till våra barn och barnbarn (4). Det får absolut inte ske! Låt oss nu höja våra röster och skicka en tydlig signal till världens ledare att de snabbt måste åstadkomma betydligt större minskningar av växthusgasutsläppen. Framtiden kan räddas om lärosäten börjar leva som de lär och gör klimatforskningen trovärdig att följa (5). Referenser: 1. Dagens samhälle (2018). Koldioxidutsläppen måste halveras inom fyra år. Tillgängligt: https://www.dagenssamhalle.se/debatt/koldioxidutslappen-maste-halveras-inom-fyra-ar-23993 [2018-10-05] 2. UNEP (2017). The emission gap report, 2017. Tillgängligt: https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/22070/EGR_2017.pdf [2018-10-05] 3. MCC (2018). That’s how fast the carbon clock is ticking. Tillgängligt: https://www.mcc-berlin.net/en/research/co2-budget.html [2018-10-05] 4. PNAS (2018).Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene. Tillgängligt: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2018/07/31/1810141115 [2018-10-05] 5. Attari, S.Z. Krantz, D.H. & Weber, E.U. (2016). Statements about climate researchers’ carbon footprints affect their credibility and the impact of their advice. Climatic Change, s. 138.
    1,186 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Klimatstudenterna #levsomnilär Picture
  • Stop the expansion of Arlanda airport!
    Flygandet måste minska: Klimathotet är akut. Flyget är idag beroende av fossila bränslen och de tekniska lösningarna för att göra flyget fossilfritt ligger i bästa fall långt fram i tiden. Vi har inte tid att vänta; därför måste flygandet minska drastiskt. ********************************************************************************** ENGLISH Aviation must be reduced: The climate threat is acute. Today, the aviation is dependent on fossil fuels, and the technical solutions to make the airplane fossil-free are at best case far ahead in time. We do not have time to wait; therefore, flying must be drastically reduced.
    5,002 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Flyglarm Arlanda Picture
  • Jag stöttar Magnoliamålet!
    Regeringen godkände tidigare i år att statligt ägda Vattenfall ska få sälja sina brunkolsgruvor i Tyskland till tjeckiska EPH. Det här är ett steg på vägen för Sverige att bli ett grönare land, men den verkliga effekten blir att utsläppen kommer öka. EPH har nämligen tydligt klargjort att man vill se en kolrenässans och vill utvidga kolbrytningen i den köpta verksamheten. Totalt rör det sig om ca 22 gånger hela Sveriges nuvarande årsutsläpp: 1,2 miljarder ton CO2. Utsläppen är lika farliga för vår framtid var de än sker och vem som än äger gruvorna. Sverige hade en unik chans att avveckla verksamheten, men fegade ur och valde att prioritera ekonomi framför framtid. Ingen miljöanalys gjordes inför affären. Affären ligger inte alls i linje med Sveriges nationella och internationella klimatåtaganden och regeringens ansvar för kommande generationer. Du kan läsa mer på vår hemsida http://magnoliamalet.se och vår Facebook-sida https://www.facebook.com/Magnoliamalet/
    745 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jonas Bane
  • Stop Fracking in The Four Corners Area
    Methane Emission, Historical Sites, Earthquakes, Health, Water, Livestock & Food 1) METHANE EMISSION NASA has found that there is so much methane being released in the Four Corners area that it's visible from space. Studies have recently shown that it is primarily due to gas emissions from hydraulic fracturing. (Link at bottom of page) 2) HISTORICAL SITES - CHACO, MESA VERDE & OTHERS The Four Corners area is a national treasure. Some of it is protected but most of it is not. The Anasazi had a huge network of connecting lines leading to spiritual sites. They are becoming almost impossible to see because of the new fracking well access roads created on top of them. Archeologists haven't finished their research in this area, much is still left to be discovered. Fracking is fast encroaching on Chaco Canyon and Mesa Verde. Additional land leases are set to be auctioned off in January for fracking sites in the Greater Chaco area. Some of this land comes within 15 miles of the main Chaco Canyon which is designated as a World Heritage site. http://bit.ly/ChacoFracking 3) EARTHQUAKES Studies have shown that disposal wells for wastewater from fracking have caused earthquake swarms in many places around the country. Some are even quite large as we saw recently in Oklahoma. If this should happen anywhere near the Anasazi ruins it could be disastrous for these historical treasures. (Link at bottom of page) 4) HEALTH People are reporting being sickened by the air quality in communities near the fracking sites. http://bit.ly/FrackingTestimonials (More at bottom of page) 5) WATER The Four Corners area doesn't have a lot of water. Companies are fracking right up to the rivers and Navajo Lake. When toxic chemicals leak it will be disastrous, not only for the people nearby but also for those living downriver. The Navajo Nation's eastern side, which falls in New Mexico, is desperate for water. With basically no water rights, they are forced to rely on ground water. They have to dig very deep, through layers and layers of rock, because the water that's closer to the surface is contaminated with uranium from mining in the WWII era. 40% of the Navajo in this area have no running water in their homes. We should be making things better for them, not worse. Fracking not only endangers the limited water supply but it also uses an enormous amount of water in the process. This is water which would be much better utilized as drinking water rather than fracking water. People can't drink natural gas or oil. http://bit.ly/NavajoNoWater (More at bottom of page) 6) LIVESTOCK, FARMING & FOOD "In addition to the cases documented by Bamberger, hair testing of sick cattle that grazed around well pads in New Mexico found petroleum residues in fifty-four of fifty-six animals." (Link at bottom of page) Methane emission: http://bit.ly/4CornersMethane Earthquakes: http://on.doi.gov/2cvICBe Health (air): http://bit.ly/FrackingAir Health Link 2: http://bit.ly/FrackingAir Water Link 2: http://bit.ly/FrackWater Livestock: http://bit.ly/2cvK4Dy
    4,442 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Jenni Siri
  • Shut Down Line 3, Don't Replace It!
    Canadian pipeline company Enbridge is trying to build a new Keystone XL-sized pipeline to carry tar sands oil through North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. This project -- which the company is billing as a “replacement” of an old and unsafe line -- just got a boost from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of a proposed settlement relating to a massive tar sands oil spill in Michigan that the company was responsible for a few years ago. In effect, the EPA is “punishing” Enbridge for a devastating spill by requiring the company to build an entirely different pipeline that Enbridge has wanted for years. Ordering a bad actor like Enbridge to build a new tar sands pipeline is a recipe for disaster for our climate. The EPA is currently accepting public comments on this decision. Submit a public comment and tell the EPA that operating an unsafe pipeline isn’t something to reward.
    963 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Andy Pearson Picture
  • Vägs Ände: Stoppa återvändsgränden Förbifart Stockholm
    Förbifart Stockholm är ett avskräckande exempel på hur koldioxidutsläpp, miljörasism och gamla drömmar om massbilism kan hota ett samhälle. Oavsett hur många gånger experter säger att bilismen kommer att öka, oavsett hur mycket bostadsområden kommer drabbas av sämre luft och oavsett hur mycket det skärs ner på kollektivtrafiken så blir många politikers svar detsamma: vi ska bygga mer motorväg. Kostnaden beräknas bli upp till 46 miljarder kronor, med syftet att proppa in fler bilar i Stockholms rådande trafikinfarkt. Eftersom bilen är så ineffektiv jämfört med gång, cykel och kollektivtrafik så kommer mer mark att tas i anspråk för parkering, samtidigt som luften blir sämre och klimatpåverkan ökar. För att minska klimatförändringarna måste majoriteten av alla fossila bränslen stanna i marken. Det innebär att infrastruktur som väntas öka utsläppen och förbränningen av fossila bränslen måste stoppas. "Miljöbilar" fortsätter vara en idé riktad till de som har råd att köpa sig fria från dåligt samvete, och kan på sin höjd flytta utsläppen till andra delar av världen. Men för klimatet spelar det förstås ingen roll var utsläppen sker. Och för oss som bor i städer ockuperade av bilar så är det inte heller någon räddning. Vi kräver att: - Förbifarten stoppas och investeringarna istället går till kollektivtrafiken - Regeringen respekterar Parisavtalet och ser till att inga klimathotande projekt godkänns - Att man lyssnar på människor i de orter som drabbas Eftersom vi inte kan vänta på att politikerna tar rätt beslut så tänker vi nu ta saken i egna händer och genom civil olydnad stoppa bygget tillsammans. mvh Vägs Ände Vi är ett öppet nätverk av organisationer, grupper och individer från hela landet som tillsammans tar ställning mot fossil infrastruktur och det orättvisa ekonomiska systemet. Vi är en del av den globala gräsrotsrörelsen för klimaträttvisa och demokrati. Kom med!
    320 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Vägs Ände Picture