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To: Mayor Darryl Lindberg and Loves Park City Council

Divest Loves Park From Fossil Fuels

Ask Loves Park's Aldermen/women to divest from all the City's fossil fuel investments. Loves Park should immediately freeze any new investments in fossil fuels, and divest from direct ownership and any commingled funds that include fossil fuel public equities and corporate bonds within 2 years.

Why is this important?

Our local government has a responsibility to divest from an industry that’s destroying the future of our children and city, and reinvest in solutions to climate change.

We cannot count on the federal government, even as extreme weather events like those we experienced last spring and summer overwhelm local budgets. We have the solutions, but we won’t see any political progress on the issue until we can weaken the power of the fossil fuel industry.

As the "City with a Heart," divestment is the only choice for Loves Park. Let's divest for the city, its children, and the well being of all of us.

Loves Park, IL

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2017-05-07 16:45:19 -0400

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