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To: Investments Division

Divest West Midlands Pension Fund From Fossil Fuels

We want West Midlands Pension Fund to immediately freeze any new investment in fossil fuel companies, and divest from direct ownership and any commingled funds that include fossil fuel, public equities, and corporate bonds within 5 years.
(For example, their current holdings in Exxon Mobil, BP, BHP Billiton, Anglo American and Peabody Energy).

Why is this important?

Climate change is already causing massive destruction around the world. For the sake of all of our futures, we need to move away from fossil fuels and begin the transition to a clean and just energy economy, now.

Many of the fossil fuel companies that West Midlands Pension Fund invests in have a poor environmental record, including ExxonMobil. ExxonMobil, the world's largest oil company, spilled 11 million gallons of oil off the coast of Alaska and plans to drill in the Russian Arctic with Rosneft. BP, another West Midlands Pension Fund investment, was responsible for the largest environmental disaster in U.S. history, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico.

Fossil fuel companies are also highly overvalued due to the assumption that all of their reserves will be burnt. But as policy catches up to climate realities, this overvaluation means there’s a multi-trillion dollar “carbon bubble” that’s poised to burst. This will greatly effect the value of our pensions if West Midlands continues to invest in fossil fuels.

We know that 80% of current fossil fuel reserves must stay in the ground to prevent runaway climate change. We must act now!
West Midlands

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2021-11-01 20:03:40 -0400

Hi, apologies it's been a while since we posted an update on here. There have been lots of exciting developments since last time ! Dudley Council joined Birmingham in calling for the Pension fund to Divest , once again Divestment received wide support from Metro Mayoral candidates and in the May local election this year support for divestment in Wolverhampton made significant gains , in one ward EVERY candidate backed our call! Coming up this weekend , we are working with a coalition of other groups to organise Wolverhampton's COP 26 event. We'd love to see you there.

2018-06-29 18:22:47 -0400

2017-09-28 16:59:37 -0400

Hot on the heels of Birmingham CC's decision to back our call for West Midlands Pension Fund to divest from fossil fuels, the campaign is coming to Coventry.
You don't have to be from Coventry to come along as we are a regional campaign working across the whole of the West Midlands

Want to find out more? Interested in getting involved? Please come along and meet us. at Queens Road Baptist Church Queens Rd, CV1 3EG Coventry,
On Wednesday 4th October at 6.15pm.

2017-07-17 13:18:55 -0400

500 signatures reached

2017-05-11 18:53:44 -0400

Come and tell Birmingham City Council that you want them to back a motion to Divest from Fossil Fuels!

This is a family event : bring a picnic,

Group photo in front of the Council house at 1pm - wear something orange - or wave your flag!

At the event:

We will have an information board sharing some of the stories collected and explaining the case for divestment.
We will be asking the public to fill in postcards which we will send on to their Councillors.
There will be an awesome model 'nodding donkey' (used to raise crude oil from oil wells) which will deliver the cards into ‘the ground’ (bags for delivery!)
If you are able to help with any of the picnic activities that would be great if not then handing out flyers, manning the info board/nodding donkey, taking photos holding banners are all jobs which we need help with! You are welcome of course to just come along and enjoy your picnic!

2017-04-06 19:21:12 -0400

Have you or those you know been affected by climate change?

Divest West Midlands Pension Fund (Divest WMPF ) are collecting climate impact stories to use as part of our Global Divestment Mobilisation actions in May.

The events will highlight climate impacts on the people of the West Midlands and the need to break ties with fossil fuel companies.

Examples of stories;
Name –Birmingham – My Auntie lives in Arizona and is struggling with the drought.
Name –Dudley – I am a keen RSPB member and am concerned spring is coming around 11 days earlier than 30 years ago impacting local species.

If you have a story to share please paste this link into your browser to access our online form.

Thank you for your help.
Regards, the Divest WMPF team.

2016-12-03 06:48:16 -0500

December Meeting 6pm for 6.30pm start on Thursday 15th December
The Warehouse, 54-57 Allison Street, Birmingham B5 5TH.
(downstairs meeting room )
New to Divestment? Come and learn more about the campaign-what we are doing and how you can be involved.
We will be thinking about the Metro Mayor Hustings, Pooling, Global Divestment Day 2017 and next steps for our campaign.
All welcome.
( If you can make it please contact me via the link above so we are looking out for you!)

2016-10-07 05:13:45 -0400

Next Meeting 7pm on Thursday 13th October
The Warehouse, 54-57 Allison Street, Birmingham B5 5TH.
(Tenants meeting room )
Preparing for some important events coming up. New to the campaign? Please come along, meet the team and find out more.

2016-09-09 18:09:20 -0400

Next Meeting 6pm on Wednesday 14th September
The Warehouse, 54-57 Allison Street, Birmingham B5 5TH.
(Tenants meeting room )

Join us to continue working towards our goal. We will be contacting Councillors and preparing for some exciting opportunities to spread the word and gain support in the Midlands. Love to see you there.
Regards Kay ( coordinator)

2016-06-22 17:23:47 -0400

Next Meeting Wednesday 29th June.
from 6.30pm onwards at The Warehouse , 54-57 Allison Street, Birmingham B5 5TH.

Ellen from will be joining our meeting to offer support for the campaign- COME AND JOIN US!
Planning events and actions for the next few months- your ideas and support would be most appreciated. It would be great to see you there.

2016-05-19 16:29:22 -0400

Hi next meeting confirmed as next Wednesday the 25th May @ The Warehouse 54-57 Allison Street, Birmingham B5 5TH.
Meeting from 6.30 onwards to be finished by 8.30 latest.
Hope to see you there.
Regards Kay ( coordinator)

2016-04-04 12:26:21 -0400

End Coal Now Tour

Sunday, April 10, 2016 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
The Warehouse - 4-57 Allison Street, Birmingham B5 5TH, United Kingdom -…

2016-01-25 19:09:15 -0500

Divest West Midlands Pension Fund-Bursting The Bubble
Saturday, February 13, 1:00 PM
Meeting outside The Town Hall , Birmingham
Giant bubbles, umbrellas with divestment messages to protect us when they burst.

Now we have their attention-we will be highlighting our campaign to get West Midlands Pension Fund to divest from Fossil Fuels.

We will invite the public to sign paper copies and give out valentines day leaflets to promote the campaign.Green heart face painting to serve as a talking point with friends family and neighbours when they are home.

Come and join us

Sign up ;

2016-01-05 21:45:33 -0500

Come and help plan the campaign.
Next meeting ;13th January 6.30pm-8.30pm
The Warehouse, 54-57 Allison Street, Digbeth,
Birmingham, B5 5TH
Please attend if you are able.
We will also be discussing a possible 'Divestment Day' in February all ideas welcome.

2015-12-08 19:35:53 -0500

Don't forget;
Divest West Midlands Pension Fund planning meeting 9th December,
6.30pm at The Warehouse, 54-57 Allison Street, Digbeth,
Birmingham, B5 5TH