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To: Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council

Divest Oxfordshire from fossil fuels

1. Immediately freeze any new investments in fossil fuels
2. Divest from direct ownership and any commingled funds that include fossil fuel public equities and corporate bonds within 5 years

Why is this important?

Our local authority has a duty to look out for the public good. Fossil fuels are in direct conflict with the public good: investing in them poses a risk both to investors and to the planet. So Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council should take a moral, political and economic stand against them by taking our money away from fossil fuel companies and putting it into investments that are less at risk from climate change legislation and more compatible with our values.

Divestment from fossil fuels would make a powerful statement that the fossil fuel industry is morally and economically unviable, and that the people of Oxfordshire wish to support an alternative, sustainable energy future that will leave the planet in a shape that allows us, our children and grandchildren to live safely on it.

Financial research has called into question the valuations of fossil fuel companies due to their reliance on reserves which may become unburnable if carbon legislation comes into effect.
Oxford, United Kingdom

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2015-01-09 14:03:11 -0500

1,000 signatures reached

2013-10-14 11:01:05 -0400

50 signatures reached

2013-09-29 06:48:50 -0400

25 signatures reached

2013-09-25 14:30:08 -0400

10 signatures reached