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To: An den Münchner Oberbürgermeister Dieter Reiter / The Mayor of Munich Dieter Reiter
Divest Munich from Fossil Fuels
Bitte lassen Sie prüfen, ob das Portfolio der Landeshauptstadt München Finanzanlagen fossiler Unternehmen enthält. Ziehen Sie alle bestehenden Investitionen in fossile Unternehmen bis spätestens 2020 ab. Grundlage hierfür ist die Liste Carbon Underground 2015 der 200 größten Kohle-, Öl- und Gasunternehmen. Eliminieren Sie alle direkten und indirekten Investitionen in fossile Energieträger. Führen Sie ethische Anlagegrundsätze für zukünftige Geldanlagen der Landeshauptstadt München ein.
Please, let it be checked whether the portfolio of the city of Munich has any financial asset in the fossil fuel industry. Stop all existing investments in fossil free companies no later than 2020. The basis for this is the Carbon Underground 2015 list which includes the top 200 coal, oil and gas public companies. Eliminate all direct and indirect holdings in fossil fuels. Invest in ethical companies and funds.
Please, let it be checked whether the portfolio of the city of Munich has any financial asset in the fossil fuel industry. Stop all existing investments in fossil free companies no later than 2020. The basis for this is the Carbon Underground 2015 list which includes the top 200 coal, oil and gas public companies. Eliminate all direct and indirect holdings in fossil fuels. Invest in ethical companies and funds.
Why is this important?
Divestment ist unabdingbar für den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel. Wenn wir die katastrophalen Auswirkungen der globalen Erwärmung verhindern wollen, darf ein Großteil der bisher bekannten Reserven an Kohle, Öl und Gas nicht gefördert werden. Durch den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien werden die Entwicklung grüner Technologien gefördert, neue Arbeitsplätze geschaffen, lokale Wirtschaftszweige gestärkt und die Abhängigkeit von Energieimporten reduziert. Die Landeshauptstadt München trägt die moralische Verantwortung, ihr Kapital aus einer Industrie abzuziehen, die die Zukunft ihrer Bürger*innen zerstört. Deutschland nimmt im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel eine Vorreiterolle ein. München darf beim Klimaschutz nicht hinterherhinken.
Divestment is essential for the fight against climate change. Most of the world’s coal, oil and gas known reserves must remain in the ground, if we are to avoid the catastrophic effects of climate change. With the support of renewabel energy systems the development of green technologies must be promoted. This wil create new jobs, strengheten the local economy, as well as reduce our energy import. The city of Munich has a moral responsibility to divest from an industry that is destroying the future of its citizens. Germany is a world leading figure in the fight against climate change and Munich should not lag behind.
Divestment is essential for the fight against climate change. Most of the world’s coal, oil and gas known reserves must remain in the ground, if we are to avoid the catastrophic effects of climate change. With the support of renewabel energy systems the development of green technologies must be promoted. This wil create new jobs, strengheten the local economy, as well as reduce our energy import. The city of Munich has a moral responsibility to divest from an industry that is destroying the future of its citizens. Germany is a world leading figure in the fight against climate change and Munich should not lag behind.