• Urge Auckland Council to Divest from Fossil Fuels!
    Climate change is happening now, driven by the extraction and burning of fossil fuels. Heatwaves are becoming more frequent and more severe, with temperatures in Pakistan reaching 49°C earlier this year, resulting in the loss of over 2000 lives. Extreme monsoons have delivered more than three times normal rainfall to parts of India causing loss of life and livelihood for thousands and acidified oceans are killing coral reefs and putting pressure on fish stocks worldwide. The fossil fuel industry has enough coal, oil and gas in their reserves to breach the IPPC’s agreed-upon 2°C limit 5 times over. It’s time for our council to end their support of the fossil fuel extraction industry. The city of Auckland stands to lose a lot in the face of climate change: Much of Auckland’s CBD and coastline risks being swallowed up by rising seas. Wine-grape and kiwifruit growing around Auckland will be history and the frequency of “one in twenty year” rainfall events could quadruple - putting a great strain on our storm water infrastructure. We urge the Auckland council to show solidarity to Auckland businesses and the community by taking their money out of fossil fuels.
    2,125 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Carl Naus
  • Divest Waltham Forest
    Climate change is the greatest challenge humanity has encountered. Warming in excess of 2°C will have catastrophic consequences for the whole planet [1]. If global warming is to be limited to 2°C, a level already considered dangerous, up to 80% of known carbon reserves must be left in the ground [2] The fossil fuel industry currently holds vast carbon reserves, which, if burnt, would result in emissions 5 times larger than what it is deemed to be safe [3]. All available evidence suggests that fossil fuel companies intend to burn the reserves within their control [4]. In addition, companies such as Shell are actively trying to discover new reserves, often in environmentally sensitive regions [5]. Research conducted by Carbon Tracker shows that there has been an over-valuation of fossil fuel reserves held by fossil fuel companies. 2/3 of these fossil fuels must remain in the ground if countries are to meet internationally agreed targets. These fossil fuels are, in effect, unburnable, so therefore worthless, which will lead to massive market losses. This is the “Carbon Bubble”. [6] Fossil fuel-free investments are now outperforming more conventional fossil fuel investments. According to recent reports, fossil fuel-free investments “earned an average return of 1.2% more a year over the last five years” [7] when compared with fossil fuel investments. Waltham Forest Council exists to serve the people of the borough, and it should therefore acknowledge the significant risks that fossil fuel investments pose to local residents' financial security and future quality of life. The council should therefore take a moral, political and economic stand by divesting its money from fossil fuel companies and choosing investments less at risk from climate change legislation and more compatible with the local community’s values. Waltham Forest Council should use its money to reinvest in, and support development of, solutions to climate change. As Waltham Forest Council wishes to maximise its return on investment, there are many ethical (and fossil fuel-free) investment options that provide excellent financial returns. Divesting its money away from fossil fuels would make a powerful statement that the fossil fuel industry is morally and economically unviable, and that the people of Waltham Forest wish to support an alternative, sustainable energy future. By divesting from fossil fuels, Waltham Forest will join public institutions such as the British Medical Association, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Bristol City Council, Oxford City Council, and the Universities of Bedfordshire, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Oxford, and Warwick in leading by example to help create a sustainable future for the citizens of Waltham Forest and beyond. [8] Let's make Waltham Forest fossil-fuel free, and together, we can send a signal that we are ready to shift to an economy powered by renewable energy. References: 1. http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar5/syr/SYR_AR5_FINAL_full.pdf 2. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v517/n7533/full/nature14016.html 3. http://www.carbontracker.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Unburnable-Carbon-Full-rev2-1.pdf 4. http://www.carbontracker.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Unburnable-Carbon-Full-rev2-1.pdf 5. http://www.shell.com/global/future-energy/arctic/exploration-production.html 6. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/apr/19/carbon-bubble-financial-crash-crisis & http://www.carbontracker.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Unburnable-Carbon-Full-rev2-1.pdf 7. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/apr/10/fossil-fuel-free-funds-out-performed-conventional-ones-analysis-shows 8. http://gofossilfree.org/commitments/
    610 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Divest WF
  • Divest the University of Rochester from Fossil Fuels
    Climate change is accelerating. We are witnessing the increasing impacts of a warming planet more and more consistently; in this last year alone our country experienced record-breaking heat, droughts, and hurricanes, which impacted hundreds of thousands of people and cost our country hundreds of billions of dollars. Hurricane Sandy alone caused $50 billion in damages. Experts agree that global warming caused by humans burning fossil fuels will continue to accelerate and intensify these tragic climate disasters. The scientific consensus is clear and overwhelming; we cannot safely burn even half of global fossil-fuel reserves without dangerously warming the planet for several thousand years.
    363 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Annina Zheng-Hardy
  • Divest Highlands from Fossil Fuels
    Climate change is the greatest challenge humanity has encountered. Warming in excess of 2°C will have catastrophic consequences. In order to have a chance of staying below this maximum upper limit of warming 80% of known fossil fuel reserves must not be burnt. The fossil fuel industry currently holds vast carbon reserves which if burnt would result in emissions 5 times larger than what it is deemed to be safe. All available evidence suggests that fossil fuel companies intend to burn the reserves within their control. In addition, companies such as Shell are actively trying to discover new reserves, often in environmentally sensitive regions. If it is wrong to damage the world we live in, then it is wrong to profit from that damage. Responsible investors should no longer be profiting from the destructive activities of these companies. The Highland Council are fully committed to both reducing the Highlands's contribution to climate change as well as safeguarding the Highlands against its impacts. In particular, in May 2019 they declared a climate emergency and agreed to work towards being Carbon neutral by 2025. However their pension fund still retains many investments in highly polluting industries. The Highland Council manages the pensions of its employees and needs to make sure these funds are transferred to investing in low carbon options rather than fossil fuels. Recent financial studies have shown that divestment from fossil fuels may have a small positive effect on investment portfolios in the short term. Moreover, in the long term these fossil fuel investments will become increasingly risky as the cost of extraction increases and international treaties restrict the use of fossil fuels. Not only does it make moral sense not to invest in the destruction of our planet, it also makes financial sense. It is illogical to allow pension funds to endanger those whose futures they seek to protect. Recent publications have highlighted the real dangers posed to Highlands from climate change, including an increased risk of flooding and storm damage. Continuing to invest in the fossil fuel industry contradicts the commitments of the Highland Council By divesting from fossil fuels, the Highland Council will join public institutions such as the British Medical Association, Glasgow University and Oxford City Council, amongst many others, in leading by example to help create a sustainable future it's citizens. So we ask: 1. The Highland Council to make a public statement supporting the principle of divestment and to commit to avoid investment in any bonds, stock or shares connected to fossil fuels. 2. The Highland Council to review their pension fund investments and - Immediately freeze any new investment in fossil fuel companies, including those made by externally managed and pooled funds. - Offer a fossil free pension option to employees - Divest from the top 200 companies with the largest known carbon reserves (oil, gas and coal), and shift these funds to lower risk, ethical investments within 5 years 3. The Highland Council must be transparent about its relationship with the fossil fuel industry: - Publish full details of their financial and other ties to the fossil fuel industry - Not accept sponsorship and advertising from fossil fuel companies. - Declare their divestment from the fossil fuel industry in order to encourage other pension funds, institutions and individuals to do the same. 4. The Highland Council must do the above in a timely manner - By setting up a working group to report back on a strategy within three months from the submission of this petition
    193 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anne Thomas
  • Divest the University of Cincinnati from Fossil Fuels
    Climate change is the greatest issue our generation will ever face, both in its size and its immediacy. As the global temperatures rise, our oceans are becoming more acidic, water levels are rising, the frequency of severe weather events is increasing, and people all over the planet are suffering. From the Pacific Islands to the Arctic circle, people's lives and livelihoods are in danger. This is the future that the fossil fuel industry is creating. This is the future that UC, as an institution, is supporting through investments in the fossil fuel industry. The University of Cincinnati has much to gain from a commitment to divesting. UC has a strong record of sustainable actions, so divesting from fossil fuels would prove the strength and validity of UC's commitment to sustainability. As a leader in the Cincinnati community and the state of Ohio, divestment would allow UC to become even more of a strong, positive, sustainable role model for other institutions. Please show your support for this cause by signing this online petition today!
    404 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Baryluk
  • Pass the NYS Fossil Fuel Divestment Act
    "Divestment is financially prudent, morally imperative, responsible policy making, and the time for action is now. As a state we cannot commit to the steps necessary to prevent climate change while maintaining a financial interest in companies whose profits depend on the continuation of practices that cause climate change. In the end, the profitability of fossil fuel companies is based solely on their ability to supply far more carbon than the atmosphere can safely absorb, a business plan that is at odds with physical reality, making stockholder engagement a futile endeavor and demonstrating the necessity of divestment." NYS Senator Liz Krueger As NYS and global citizens we call upon the NYS Legislature to pass the NYS Fossil Fuel Divestment Act (Krueger S. 5873, Ortiz A. 8011.) This legislation requires the NYS Comptroller to divest the $180 billion Common Retirement Fund of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas, top 200 companies Carbon Tracker) by 2020, with coal divestment within one year of enactment. It provides comprehensive justification and a financially prudent blueprint for divestment. Please visit this link to read the full text of the legislation. http://open.nysenate.gov/legislation/bill/S5873-2015 Continued massive investment in fossil fuels by the NYS Common Retirement Fund concerns all global citizens. GHG emissions, environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, climate disruption, hardship and suffering are not contained within NY state boundaries, but negatively impact our entire planet. Continued investment in fossil fuels presents increasing fiduciary risk and instability to the Fund, incurring financial losses to pension holders and beneficiaries. The NYS CRF has already lost over $100 million to coal. We call upon the NYS Legislature to offer ethical, responsible, financially prudent leadership. Pass the Fossil Fuel Divestment Act - for the economic, environmental and social well being of all.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stacey Smith
  • Essen Raus Aus RWE - Bürgerbrief
    Als Teil einer weltweiten Bewegung setzen wir uns dafür ein, dass Essen jetzt beginnt, klimaschädliche Investitionen zu beenden und klimaneutral zu werden. Mehr Information zur Fossil-Free-Bewegung: http://gofossilfree.org/de/
    912 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Andreas Brinck
  • Die Stadt Stuttgart soll von der fossilen Brennstoffindustrie desinvestieren
    Der kürzlich veröffentlichte neuste Bericht des Weltklimarats spricht eine deutliche Sprache. Wenn wir die Erderwärmung wie auf der Klimakonferenz in Kopenhagen beschlossen auf unter 2º Celsius begrenzen wollen, darf der Großteil der fossilen Energiereserven aus Kohle, Öl und Gas nicht verbrannt werden. Alles andere würde eine Destabilisierung des Klimas mit katastrophalen Folgen für Mensch und Natur nach sich ziehen. Laut Weltklimarat müssen Investitionen in fossile Energieträger jährlich um $30 Milliarden reduziert werden, während Investitionen in kohlenstoffarme Energiegewinnung um $147 Milliarden steigen müssen. Außerdem ist damit zu rechnen, dass Unternehmen im fossilen Sektor in den kommenden Jahren stark an Wert verlieren werden, weil sie ihre Rohstoffvorkommen nicht mehr fördern und verkaufen können. Die Finanzwelt spricht von einer Kohlenstoffblase (engl. carbon bubble), die kurz davor ist zu platzen. Damit stellen Investitionen in fossile Energien ein hohes finanzielles Risiko dar. Die jüngsten Verluste von RWE und Eon verdeutlichen bereits heute, dass das Geschäftsmodell des fossilen Sektors nicht zukunftsfähig ist. Studien der Internationalen Energieagentur, der Universität Oxford sowie verschiedener Großbanken wie HSBC oder Citi warnen vor Investitionen in diesem Sektor. Die globale Klimakampagne 350.org arbeitet mit Städten, Universitäten, Kirchen und anderen Institutionen in Europa, USA, Australien, Neuseeland, Kanada und Afrika zusammen, um gemeinsam gegen den Klimawandel und für eine lebenswerte Zukunft einzutreten. Überall auf der Welt beginnen daher Städte, Gemeinden, Kirchen, Universitäten, Stiftungen und andere Institutionen ihre Investments aus den 200 größten Kohle-, Erdöl- und Erdgasunternehmen abzuziehen. Ein solches Divestment erreicht zweierlei: Einerseits schützt es vor den Gefahren zukünftiger Wertverluste und sichert so nachhaltig die finanzielle Stabilität Ihrer Stadt. Andererseits entzieht es klimaschädlichen Unternehmen die gesellschaftliche Zustimmung und trägt so zu Wandel bei, der aufgrund der Klimakrise notwendig geworden ist. In den Vereinigten Staaten haben bereits mehr als 25 Städte verbindlich beschlossen ihre Anteile an Unternehmen des fossilen Sektors zu verkaufen. Darunter sind Großstädte wie San Francisco oder Seattle. Das norwegische Parlament hat kürzlich ein Divestment von 900 Milliarden aus seinem (dem weltweit größten) Staatsfonds empfohlen. Abgesehen davon ist der Fortschritt der Bewegung in Europa verhalten, aber stetig. In den Niederlanden hat sich die Stadt Boxtel Ende 2013 als erste europäische Stadt verbindlich Divestment verschrieben. Stuttgart kann nun in Deutschland eine Vorreiterrolle einnehmen und zeigen, dass eine nachhaltige Finanzpolitik mit Rücksicht auf Natur und zukünftige Generationen möglich ist.
    317 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Francesco Maltoni
  • Fossil Free ICC
    As a non-profit founded to provide affordable and inclusive student housing, the ICC has a fiscal and social responsibility to the global and local communities our member-owners belong to. We can maintain affordable housing in an ecologically and financially sustainable manner.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Valeriya Epshteyn
  • Divest West Yorkshire Pension Fund from Fossil Fuel Investments
    Over 5% of WYPF's investments are in fossil fuel companies, including £207 million invested in BP and £171 million invested in Royal Dutch Shell. [1] Climate change is the greatest challenge humanity has encountered. Warming in excess of 2°C will have catastrophic consequences. In order to have a chance of staying below this maximum upper limit of warming 80% of known fossil fuel reserves must not be burnt. Recent research, instigated by the Carbon Tracker foundation, asserts that there are five times more fossil-fuel reserves than can be burnt if internationally agreed carbon emissions targets are to be met. The fossil fuel industry currently holds vast carbon reserves which if burnt would result in emissions 5 times larger than what it is deemed to be safe. All available evidence suggests that fossil fuel companies intend to burn the reserves within their control. In addition, companies such as Shell are actively trying to discover new reserves, often in environmentally sensitive regions. Fossil fuel equities also pose significant financial risks. As governments control carbon emissions to meet these targets a large proportion of fossil fuel reserves which companies expect to extract will become stranded assets: a “carbon bubble”. Funds which are exposed to fossil fuel equities when this bubble bursts can expect to suffer considerable losses. The Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney has recently expressed concerns over climate risk, stating that the “vast majority of reserves are unburnable” if global temperature rises are to be limited to below 2C.[2] [1} WYPF Valuation March 2014 [2] http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/oct/13/mark-carney-fossil-fuel-reserves-burned-carbon-bubble
    1,808 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Chayley Collis
  • Divest SCAD From Fossil Fuels
    Climate change is accelerating. We are witnessing the increasing impacts of a warming planet more and more consistently; in this last year alone our country experienced record-breaking heat, droughts, and hurricanes, which impacted hundreds of thousands of people and cost our country hundreds of billions of dollars. Hurricane Sandy alone caused $50 billion in damages. Experts agree that global warming caused by humans burning fossil fuels will continue to accelerate and intensify these tragic climate disasters. The scientific consensus is clear and overwhelming; we cannot safely burn even half of global fossil-fuel reserves without dangerously warming the planet for several thousand years.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Briceno
  • Create a Jewish Fossil free Jewish Community
    Even as extreme weather events like Hurricane Sandy, floods, droughts and fires threaten to overwhelm local budgets, government action to solve the global climate crisis is all but stalled. We have the solutions, but we won’t see any political progress on the issue until we can weaken the power of the fossil fuel industry. Signatories to the Jewish Climate Covenant have agreed to take action across our communities to support global efforts to tackle climate change. We stand with those calling for strident and just global measures to limit global average temperatures to a 1.5 degree rise by the end of the century. To achieve this, we know that over 80% of fossil fuels must be kept in the ground. We hope such action will protect the poorest and those most vulnerable to the impacts of global environmental change. To that end we urge Jewish synagogues, charities and companies to adopt socially and environmentally responsible investment practices in line with the prophetic traditions of supporting the weak, protecting the land we live on and Tikkun Olam. This includes an investment portfolio that explicitly excludes fossil fuels . We have a responsibility to not profit from an industry that’s destroying our future, impoverishing people around the world and undermining the good work of Jewish people of faith around the world. The bottom line is this: moving money away from fossil fuels is the only moral choice for institutions that care about the planet and its residents. It's time we realise that action to prevent climate change is not an option, but a crucial part of our religious duty as Jews.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Oil Vay