• LWL - raus aus Kohle, Öl und Erdgas - angefangen bei RWE!
    Der LWL hält 6,6 Mio. Aktien der RWE AG. Die Lokalgruppe Fossil Free Münster setzt sich seit vier Jahren für den Verkauf dieser Aktien ein. RWE ist der größte CO2-Emittent Europas und war zuletzt 2018 massiv in die Kritik geraten für seinen Umgang mit dem schützenswerten Hambacher Forst, im Zuge dessen es zu bundesweiten Protesten kam. Noch immer besitzen kommunale Anteilseigner*innen wie der LWL über 90 Mio. Aktien von RWE, ca. 20 % des Aktiengesamtvolumens. Im Jahr 2015 hatte die Fraktion der Grünen einen Antrag auf Divestment im LWL eingereicht, der jedoch abgelehnt wurde. Seitdem hat sich viel getan im LWL. Unter dem weiter aufrechterhaltenen Druck von Fossil Free Münster setzte sich Landesdirektor Matthias Löb für die Auflösung, bzw. Abänderung der Satzung zahlreicher Beteiligungsgesellschaften an RWE ein. Zuvor war es dem LWL und weiteren Kommunen wegen der Knebelverträge dieser Beteiligungsgesellschaften nur sehr schwer möglich gewesen, überhaupt auf ihre Aktien zuzugreifen und diese zu verkaufen. Die gute Nachricht: Seit April 2018 hat der LWL wieder die Hoheit über seine Aktien. Am 16. und 17. Mai steht nun eine Vorlage zur Beschlussfassung bereit, in der der Verkauf von drei Viertel aller Aktien in drei Tranchen im Laufe der kommenden zwei Jahre festgelegt werden soll. Direktor Löb begründet den Verkauf vor allem finanzwirtschaftlich. CDU und SPD, die GroKo-Parteien im LWL sind sich noch unschlüssig über ihr Stimmverhalten. Dass dieser Beschluss also gefasst wird, ist noch sehr unsicher. Aus klimapolitischer Sicht ist dieser Beschluss nicht ausreichend. Für eine deutliche Abgrenzung von RWEs zerstörerischem Verhalten muss der LWL alle seine Aktien verkaufen. Nur so bezieht er eine klare Position und verhält sich seinem Motto „Wir unternehmen Gutes“ angemessen. Sollte der LWL seine Aktien abstoßen, hat dies eine Signalwirkung auch an weitere kommunale Anteilseigner. Der Klimavertrag von Paris leutete eindeutig das Ende der fossilen Energien ein. Die globale Erderwärmung - bereits spürbar auch in Deutschland - kann nur aufgehalten werden, indem wir Kohle, Öl und Gas im Boden lassen. Zum Hintergrund: Wenn wir den Klimawandel auf unter 2º Celsius begrenzen wollen, darf der Großteil der fossilen Energiereserven wie Kohle, Öl und Gas nicht verbrannt werden und es müssen radikale Maßnahmen zur Minderung der globalen CO2-Emissionen getroffen werden. Alles andere würde eine Destabilisierung des Klimas mit katastrophalen Folgen für Mensch und Natur nach sich ziehen. Außerdem ist damit zu rechnen, dass Unternehmen im fossilen Sektor in den kommenden Jahren stark an Wert verlieren werden, weil sie ihre Rohstoffvorkommen nicht mehr fördern und verkaufen können. Die Finanzwelt spricht von einer Kohlenstoffblase, die kurz davor ist zu platzen. Damit stellen Investitionen in fossile Energien ein hohes finanzielles Risiko dar. Die jüngsten Verluste von RWE und Eon verdeutlichen bereits heute, dass das Geschäftsmodell des fossilen Sektors nicht zukunftsfähig ist. Überall auf der Welt ziehen daher Städte, Gemeinden, Kirchen, Universitäten, Stiftungen und andere Institutionen, ihre Investments aus den 200 größten Kohle-, Erdöl- und Erdgasunternehmen ab. Seit sich Münster als erste Stadt Deutschlands, die sich der Divestment-Bewegung angeschlossen hat und ab 2016 ihre Pensionsfonds ohne Kohle, Öl und Erdgas führt, haben mit Stuttgart, Bremen und Berlin weitere deutsche Städte nachgezogen. Mit den Divestment-Unis Münster und Göttingen distanziert sich auch die Wissenschaft deutlich vom fossilen Sektor. Ein solches Divestment erreicht zweierlei: Einerseits schützt es vor den Gefahren zukünftiger Wertverluste und sichert so nachhaltig die finanzielle Stabilität eines institutionellen Investors. Andererseits entzieht es klimaschädlichen Unternehmen die gesellschaftliche Zustimmung und trägt so zu dem Wandel bei, der aufgrund der Klimakrise notwendig geworden ist. Weltweit haben bereits über 1000 Institutionen ein Gesamtvermögen von über € 7 Milliarden deinvestiert und so von der fossilen Brennstoffindustrie abgezogen. Der LWL kann nun, wie die Stadt Münster, eine Vorbildrolle einnehmen und zeigen, dass eine nachhaltige Finanzpolitik mit Rücksicht auf Natur und zukünftige Generationen möglich ist. Die globale Klimakampagne Fossil Free arbeitet mit Städten, Universitäten, Kirchen und anderen Institutionen in Europa, USA, Australien, Neuseeland, Japan, Kanada und Afrika zusammen, um gemeinsam gegen den Klimawandel und für eine lebenswerte Zukunft einzutreten.
    1,362 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Christine Langkamp
  • Divest Brisbane City Council from fossil fuels
    The Big 4 Bank’s funding of fossil fuel projects is endangering our planet and our future by exacerbating global warming that is already impacting people's lives across the world. There is also significant financial risk associated with investing in fossil fuel projects which are likely to become stranded assets as the world’s energy markets shift away from coal and gas.
    297 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Moira Williams
  • Divest Düsseldorf from fossil fuels - für ein Düsseldorf frei von fossilen Energien
    Nordrhein-Westfalen ist das Energieland Nummer eins. NRW hat damit auch eine besondere Verantwortung für den Klimaschutz. Ein Drittel der gesamten energiebedingten CO2-Emissionen Deutschlands und etwa 45 % der vom Emissionshandelssystem erfassten Treibhausgasemissionen stammen aus NRW. Damit leistet NRW den Haupanteil an Deutschlands Beitrag zum Klimawandel. Aus der Energiewirtschaft kommt dabei der größte Teil: Etwa 55 % der jährlichen THG-Emissionen stammen von RWE, E.on und Co. Wer es mit dem Klimaschutz ernst meint, muss zuerst und v.a. auch den Anteil der Braunkohle an der Stromerzeugung verringern. Gerade jetzt besteht die Chance für eine zukunftsfähige Weichenstellung – weg von der Braunkohle, hin zu effizienten und umweltfreundlichen Energiestrukturen. Der hiesige Kraftwerkspark ist vollständig überaltert und muss durch umweltfreundliche und effiziente Technologien ersetzt werden. Die Braunkohlenkraftwerke sind z.T. schon seit Mitte der 60er Jahre am Netz und dies mit Wirkungsgraden von etwa 30 %. Mit Fug und Recht kann man sie als „energietechnische Dinosaurier“ bezeichnen. Aber auch angeblich moderne Braunkohlekraftwerke sind klimaschutzpolitisch nicht zu tolerieren, denn RWE nutzt höhere Wirkungsgrade dazu, mehr Strom zu produzieren, während der Kohleeinsatz langfristig konstant bleiben soll. Damit bleibt aber auch die Klimabilanz verheerend. Bitte lassen Sie prüfen, ob das Portfolio der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf Finanzanlagen fossiler Unternehmen enthält und ziehen Sie alle bestehenden Investitionen in fossile Unternehmen bis spätestens 2020 ab. Eliminieren Sie alle direkten und indirekten Investitionen in fossile Energieträger und führen Sie ethische Anlagegrundsätze für zukünftige Geldanlagen der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf ein. Lassen Sie uns als Landeshauptstadt NRWs mit gutem Beispiel voran gehen.
    216 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Wolfgang Lange
  • Divest Northamptonshire From Fossil Fuels
    In order to stop the global climate warming by 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and avert global catastrophe, 80% of all known fossil fuels must stay in the ground. [1] By removing investments in fossil fuel companies Northamptonshire County Council will be showing its commitment to creating a healthy, sustainable future for both the people of Northants and the planet as a whole. 97% of climate scientists agree that humans are the primary cause of recent climate change, largely due to the release of greenhouse gases from the combustion of oil, coal and gas for heat and power. Climate change is happening now - we’re already experiencing global temperature rise, warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets and more frequent and intense extreme weather events. [2] Whole ecosystems are threatened, and people's lives are at risk due to flooding, food and water insecurity, creating climate change refugees. [3] NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Northamptonshire Local Government Pension Scheme Fund Total-£1,659,847,000 Total Fossil Fuel Investment- £171,800,000 (10.35%) Direct Investments- £115,377,000 (6.95%) Projected Indirect Investments-£56,423,000.00 (3.39%) [4] [1] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-30709211 [2] http://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/ [3] http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49e4a5096.html [4] http://gofossilfree.org/uk/pensions/
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Northants FoE Local group
  • University of Evansville Divestment
    Climate change and other environmental issues are the greatest threat facing humanity as a whole in this century. We have a human responsibility to each other and our descendants to minimize our impact. Failure in this regard will be tragic and expensive, represented by the poor condition many fossil fuel companies which have failed to modernize and begin moving to alternatives are in as far as profits and stock value. The University of Evansville, as a bastion of higher learning, has a responsibility to its students and donors to maintain both profitable and ethical investments, of which a great many fossil fuel companies fail to be at least one.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tyler Thompson
  • Miramar to Divest From Fossil Fuels!
    Climate change is accelerating. We are witnessing the increasing impacts of a warming planet more and more consistently; in this last year alone our country experienced record-breaking heat, droughts, and hurricanes, which impacted hundreds of thousands of people and cost our country hundreds of billions of dollars. Hurricane Sandy alone caused $50 billion in damages. Experts agree that global warming caused by humans burning fossil fuels will continue to accelerate and intensify these tragic climate disasters. The scientific consensus is clear and overwhelming; we cannot safely burn even half of global fossil-fuel reserves without dangerously warming the planet for several thousand years.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kaylie Johnson
  • Divest Albemarle County From Fossil Fuels
    Our local government has a responsibility to divest from an industry that’s destroying our future, and reinvest in solutions to climate change. We cannot count on the federal government, even as extreme weather events can overwhelm local budgets. Average temperatures are already increasing, along with the frequency of extreme heat, storms, and dry summers. We have the solutions, but we won’t see any political progress on the issue until we can weaken the power of the fossil fuel industry. The bottom line is this: divestment is the only moral choice for governments that care about their citizens. Solving the climate crisis is the only practical choice for governments that care about their solvency. It's time to divest from fossil fuels now!
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Haley Stern Picture
  • Durham University Academics for Fossil Fuel Divestment
    At the moment Durham University has an investment policy that states that they won't invest in arms or tobacco companies. But no such policy against investing in fossil fuel companies exists. Carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels results in the heating of the atmosphere. A rise of more than 2˚C in global temperatures is enough to put the world beyond the acceptable limits as outlined by scientists. Fossil fuel companies already have proven reserves of five times the amount needed to take us past this limit. At the moment the share price of fossil fuel companies is based on the idea that all the reserves held by fossil fuel companies will be burnt. This situation is not viable given the severely detrimental impact it will have on the environment. This disparity between the safely useable reserves and the proven reserves results in fossil fuel companies being not as safe a long-term investment as they are held up to be. Given the massive amounts of damage fossil fuel companies do to the lives of people around the world, the obvious environmental costs of the industry and the long term instability of fossil fuels as an investment, Durham University People & Planet Society are calling on the university to divest any money it has invested in fossil fuel companies and to add fossil fuels to the list of things in which it will not invest in the future.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Henry
    Millions of pounds of public money – our local rates – are being spent on fossil fuel companies. We all know that carbon emissions from oil, gas and coal are harming our planet, threatening the future of humanity and the extinction of up to a million species. Tyne & Wear Pension Fund invests more than £230 million in fossil fuels. It has recently adopted a climate policy that has 2050 as its deadline for net zero investment. 2050 is far too late to protect humanity and our planet from disastrous temperature rises. Our UK Government, our local councils and countries around the world are committed to ending the use of the fossil fuels that are pumping carbon emissions into our air. They agree that this is URGENT! All the councils that are part of the Tyne and Wear Pension Fund have declared a climate emergency but have not sold (“divested") their pension holdings in fossil-fuel companies. -the United Nations have said we are at “code red” for humanity. -our current emissions are on target for disastrous temperature rises. -the fossil fuel industry is not changing quickly enough to meet the Paris Agreement targets that are vital to our safety. Many other pension funds have made the decision to divest from fossil fuel investment. We call on Tyne & Wear Pension Fund to do the same. And we call on the six local authorities that are members of the fund – and scores of other smaller organisations – to make clear their support for divestment as soon as possible. Fossil fuel companies have five times the reserves that match the Paris Agreements limits. But they are still pushing to find more fossil fuel reserves and still making huge profits from speeding up global warming. Continued engagement with and investment in the fossil fuel industry jeopardises the very future that pension funds are supposed to guarantee and secure. Tyne & Wear must end that investment, and switch to others, especially the green economy. Let’s work together: -for a sustainable, viable and secure future for us all and our children -to reverse the decline of biodiversity and support our wildlife and countryside -to promote clean air and a healthier society. Thank you for your support.
    615 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Anne-Marie Soulsby Picture
  • Divest Shepparton from Fossil Fuels
    Climate change is not simply an environmental problem, but an issue of social justice, intergenerational equity, and the viability for future human endeavors. It is now widely understood that we cannot safely burn even one-third of global fossil fuel reserves without dangerously warming the planet for several thousand years. We are already witnessing the increasing impacts of a warming planet more and more consistently; in the last year alone our country experienced record-breaking heat, droughts, and extreme rainfall. These events had a grave impact on hundreds of thousands of people and cost our country billions of dollars. Experts agree that global warming caused by humans burning fossil fuels will continue to accelerate and intensify these tragic climate disasters. Through its current investment portfolio, City of Greater Shepparton is facilitating and profiting from the continued and expanding extraction and burning of fossil fuels, despite the harm that these practices are known to be causing to many millions of people worldwide. It is unethical and immoral for our council to be investing in, and profiting from companies that will condemn the planet to climate disaster. Therefore, we are calling on City of Greater Shepparton to divest from the fossil fuel industry. We believe divestment not only makes sense morally, but increasingly also financially, given the decrease in oil prices and associated investments and likelihood of a ‘carbon bubble’ bursting. Continued investment in companies that extract fossil fuels represents a significant risk to City of Greater Shepparton as these companies will face large devaluations when the world moves to lower emission energy sources. Let's strengthen City of Greater Shepparton’s commitment to sustainability and social justice by going fossil free.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Josie Lester
  • Hobart City Council Divestment. The petition is closed. 1500 signatures total on paper, plus online!
    As rate paying residents of Hobart we are extremely concerned about the effects of catastrophic climate change on our planet in general and Tasmania specifically.  We are calling upon Hobart City Council to live up to its promise to lead the community in responding to the threat of climate change and join the growing number of cities and municipalities worldwide in divesting from the fossil fuel industry.   Hobart City Council currently has $26 million, over 70% of its total investment portfolio, with the big banks which finance the fossil fuel industry.   There is a global concensus that the rise in temperatureS must be limited to 2°C to avoid catastrophic climate change, which would have severe effects both globally and locally, with Tasmania predicted to experience loss of economically important ecosystems and species due to warming oceans, loss of coastal areas to rising sea levels and increase in the frequency and severity of catastrophic bushfires.   To ensure warming does not exceed this 2°C limit, it has been estimated that 80% of remaining fossil fuel reserves must remain in the ground. Since national governments are not acting fast enough to ensure this, a growing number of local governments are ruling out using the money entrusted to them by their residents to advance the destruction of our planet. Cities that have divested so far have included Melbourne, Newcastle, Byron Shire Council, Freemantle, ACT, San Francisco, Seattle, Oslo and many others.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hobart 350
  • University of Plymouth, commit to NEVER invest in Fossil Fuels!
    We will not keep climate change at bay without halting our extraction of fossil-fuels. Plymouth University prides itself in its sustainability and environmental performance however neglecting to sign the declaration and commit to excluding fossil fuels from future investments shows a clear inconsistency in their policy. The People and Planet society here at Plymouth University want this to change. Despite no current investments in fossil fuels there is no policy stopping this in the future. Plymouth University was once at the top of the People and Planet University League Table (2015), but by 2019 had dropped down to 15th. By signing the Fossil Free Declaration Plymouth could both increase their position AND show a renewed commitment to global social and climate justice. As students we are investing our time and money into our education and future. So why shouldn't our institute of learning promise never to invest in Fossil Fuels and invest in our future instead?
    585 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Paisley Turner