• Divest States of Jersey Funds from Fossil Fuels
    Climate change is the greatest challenge humanity has encountered. Warming in excess of 1.5°C will have catastrophic consequences [1]. In order to have a chance of staying below this temperature rise, 80% of known fossil fuel reserves must not be burnt [2]. The fossil fuel industry currently holds vast carbon reserves which if burnt would result in emissions 5 times larger than what it is deemed to be safe [2]. All available evidence suggests that fossil fuel companies intend to burn the reserves within their control. In addition, companies such as Shell are actively trying to discover new reserves, often in environmentally sensitive regions [3]. If it is wrong to damage the world we live in, then it is wrong to profit from that damage. Responsible investors should no longer be profiting from the destructive activities of these companies. The States of Jersey Common Investment Fund (CIF) manages the public funds of Islanders. It manages nearly £3 billion worth of assets, millions of which are direct investments in fossil fuel companies including BHP Billiton, ExxonMobil, BP, Rio Tinto and Shell [4]. These fossil fuel investments are becoming increasingly risky as the cost of extraction increases and international treaties restrict the use of fossil fuels [2]. Not only does it make moral sense not to invest in the destruction of our planet, it also makes financial sense. By divesting from fossil fuels, the States of Jersey will join New York City and public institutions such as the British Medical Association, Glasgow University and Oxford City Council, amongst many others, in leading by example to help create a sustainable future for the citizens of Jersey and beyond. So we ask that the States of Jersey, through the Minister for Treasury and Resources, to: - Immediately freeze any new investment in fossil fuel companies, including those made by externally managed and pooled funds. - Ensure pension options to employees are fossil free - Divest from the top 200 companies with the largest known carbon reserves (oil, gas and coal), and shift these funds to lower risk, ethical investments within 5 years Sources: [1]http://bit.ly/1Cp61vN [2]http://bit.ly/1mLPo58 [3]http://bit.ly/1r2Y2Qb [4]https://www.gov.je/Government/Pages/StatesReports.aspx?ReportID=3466
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ollie Taylor
  • #DivestEmerson
    Climate change, as caused by the emissions of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas, poses a huge threat to the livelihoods of billions of people on this planet. Extreme weather conditions, such as the massive floods, wildfires, droughts, hurricanes, and melting ice caps we have experienced in the last few years alone, are a clear sign that climate change must be taken seriously, and acted upon promptly. Experts agree that global warming caused by humans burning fossil fuels will continue to accelerate and intensify these tragic climate disasters. The scientific consensus is clear and overwhelming; we cannot safely burn even half of global fossil-fuel reserves without dangerously warming the planet for several thousand years. In such a dire situation, it is imperative that we, as an institution, do everything in our power to solve this issue.
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kayla Burns
  • Divest U of S
    Our University is 'dedicated' to sustainability and Indigenization, yet is invested in the fossil fuel industry. If we are actually committed to sustainability and building respectful and reciprocal relationships with Indigenous peoples and nations then the University would not be heavily invested in fossil fuel industries who benefit from the destruction of the planet. The University and the administration need to step up NOW, TODAY, and make a change. It's not good enough to be the second to last university in Canada who chooses to take climate action seriously. Students - Universities should be leaders in combatting the major social problems of our time – such as climate change and social justice – not continuing to prop up and support outdated, dirty fossil fuel energy that harms communities. Students are already leading; universities need to get on board! Divesting from fossil fuels creates an opportunity to reinvest in clean energy that strengthens communities and builds a 21st-century economy, creating good new jobs. Universities are supposed to be preparing us for our future, but instead, they’re contributing to its destruction; these hypocritical actions need to end. Remaining invested in fossil fuels puts a stain on our school’s reputation - will we be proud to be U of S alumni with a degree that is soaked in oil? Or could we be proud of our education, institution, and administrators who took a stand as climate leaders who lead the way? Faculty - We ask you to stand with us. You teach us about sustainability and climate change, the wrongs of wrecking the environment, the desperate need to build respectful and reciprocal relationships with Indigenous communities, yet work within an institution who says one thing but acts against those morals and values. Please stand with us - we want to see accountability from our institution and we ask you for your support.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jaylene Murray
  • Divest Grinnell College
    Our future is in the balance!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Evan Feldberg-Bannatyne
  • Fossil Free Dundee
    It is recognised across the world that global temperatures must remain no more than 2°C higher than in pre-industrial times if climate change is not to destroy our entire way of life. For this to happen, study after study has demonstrated that 80% of currently known fossil fuel reserves must remain in the ground. This view is endorsed by mainstream elements of society, from Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of England, to the United Nations. Companies like BP and Shell – and the University’s investments in them—are not part of a sustainable future, no matter how they, or the University, might pretend otherwise. Small investments in renewables are far outweighed by the catastrophic impacts of continued oil extraction. In universities around this country and the world, divestment is denying these companies their moral acceptability –. All moral and financial arguments point to the same thing – divestment from fossil fuels.
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Zoe MacKenzie
  • Divest Enfield Council from fossil fuels
    Fossil fuels will soon become obsolete. They are a fuel source that is no longer wanted, as a recognised danger to the health of humans, wildlife, and the planet. They are also a fuel source that is no longer needed, as so many cheap and abundant renewable fuel sources wait to be harnessed. The shift to clean energy is inevitable. In November 2016 the Paris Agreement was ratified: "Recognizing the need for an effective and progressive response to the urgent threat of climate change on the basis of the best available scientific knowledge." However, in November 2017, Fossil Free UK revealed that councils across the UK were investing more than £16billion in the fossil fuel industry. The London Borough of Enfield Pension Fund has itself invested more than £60million in such companies, representing 5.6% of its £1billion total investments. Given the damage that fossil fuels have already caused to our environment, and the growing threat of man-made climate change as a danger both to us and to future generations, fossil fuels represent an unethical investment. But there is also strong evidence that such financial investments are highly risky. Coal use in the UK has fallen by 74% over the past decade, and the government has pledged that all coal-fired power stations will close by 2025. Other fossil fuels such as oil and gas face sharp declines in future, as renewable sources overtake them. The Divest Movement seeks to persuade public institutions that ditching investments in fossil fuel companies is the right decision to make on both a moral and financial basis. Over the border from Enfield, Waltham Forest Council recently became the first UK local authority to fully commit to divest from fossil fuels. If Enfield Council did the same, it too could become a leader in the global shift to a fossil free future.
    169 of 200 Signatures
    Created by James Cracknell Picture
  • University of Liverpool: Divest from Fossil Fuels
    This is important because the University of Liverpool currently invests £12 million per year in the fossil fuel industry, which is 8% of their endowment. The time to reduce fossil fuel consumption is running out, and by not divesting, the University appears to be endorsing the actions of the fossil industry, and thereby failing to act on the issue of human-induced climate change. Climate change negatively affects the poorest most, and by not divesting from fossil fuels the University shows a callous disregard for the poorest populations and most vulnerable. The university is home to a leading institute for renewable energy research, yet they cannot actively be a world leader in green energy whilst funding the most polluting industry on earth. The students of this University clearly care about the environment and have created a movement within their Guild of Students to help implement a greener University (Green Guild). If this University wishes to abide by the active will of the student body, they will divest from this morally corrupt and ethically questionable industry without delay.
    201 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Joe Ferguson
  • Fossilfria Pengar vid Mittuniversitetet
    English below Divest MIUN Mittuniversitetet Östersund har flera program och kurser som förbereder den kommande generationen för klimatförändring. En av bygnaderna har ett tak som är fullt med solpaneler och kafeterian servera vegetarisk mat. Forskning kring ämnet finns. Universitetets vision stämmer redan med klimatförändringsfrågan. Östersunds kommun har bestämt att divestera. Men det är fortfarande ett krav att Miun Östersund är en del av att försöka lösa problemet lika mycket som att och sluta vara en del av det. Genom divestering kan vi reducera klimatförändringens oförväntade effekter och utveckla universitets ekonomiska framtid på ett hållbart sätt. Därför kräver vi att universitetet ska minska och över tid avbryta alla fossila investeringar och vara mer transparent i sin ekonomi. Som studenter, personal, alumni, representater och aktieägare av universitetet, tror vi att kostnaden som uppstår är en värdefull investering i vår gemensamma framtid, en förbättring av bilden av Mittuniviversitet och ekonomisk stabilitet. ------ Divest MIUN Mittuniversitet has several programs and courses which prepare the next generation for addressing the issues of climate change. A building's roof is covered in solar panels and the local cafeteria has among other options a daily vegetarian choice. Research is being carried out in the field. The general sentiment is that the university's vision is aligned with the issue of climate change. The municipality of Östersund has already decided to divest. However, it is as necessary that Mittuniversitet Östersund is a part of the solution as it stops being a part of the problem. By taking a proactive approach this institution can reduce the undesirable effects of changing the world's climate and create a more sustainable economic future for itself. Therefore, we demand that the institution wind down all it's investments into fossil fuels and becomes transparent with their economic policy. As students, staff, alumni, representatives, and shareholders of this university, we believe divesting is a worthwhile investment into our common future, the image of the university, and its financial stability.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vartan Ahrens
  • Fossil Free ULB
    Un mouvement mondial pour résoudre la crise climatique est en marche et vous pouvez y contribuer en agissant à un niveau local ! Aujourd’hui, les campagnes de désinvestissement des énergies fossiles se multiplient et nous demandons à l’ULB de se joindre au mouvement sans plus tarder. Pourquoi désinvestir des énergies fossiles ? Lors de la COP21, les États du monde entier se sont mis d’accord sur le fait que l’augmentation de la température terrestre moyenne ne doit pas dépasser 2°C (par rapport à l’ère pré-industrielle). L’accord de Paris mentionne même un objectif de 1,5°C. L’utilisation d’énergies fossiles est l’une des plus importantes causes d’émissions de CO2 dans l’atmosphère. Ce gaz est l’un des principaux responsables de l’augmentation de la température terrestre. Pour atteindre cet objectif de 2°C, 80 % des réserves connues d’énergies fossiles ne doivent pas être utilisées et doivent donc rester dans le sol. Pourquoi cibler l’ULB ? L’ULB dispose de fonds (principalement de réserve et de pension) auprès de banques s’élevant à des millions d’euros et comprenant des entreprises liées aux énergies fossiles. Actuellement, l'université ne veut pas nous communiquer les chiffres exacts, et n’a pas conditionné la totalité de ses placements à des critères éthiques. Or, l’ULB pourrait privilégier un investissement socialement responsable et investir dans des énergies renouvelables. En désinvestissant des énergies fossiles, l’ULB rejoindrait plus de 800 organisations dans le monde et deviendrait la 4e université belge à le faire, envoyant un signal fort dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. Pourquoi votre signature est-elle importante ? En octobre 2015, le Conseil d’Administration de l’ULB (CA) a été interpellé sur ses investissements et la possibilité que ceux-ci ne soient plus destinés à des entreprises ayant une activité nocive pour notre planète. A ce jour, ces demandes n’ont suscité que très peu d’intérêt auprès du CA. Durant l’année 2016-2017, l’université a été une nouvelle fois sollicitée de l’intérieur par son Conseil Etudiant ce qui a d’ailleurs abouti à une rencontre avec le recteur. Malgré l’enthousiasme de ce dernier, aucun progrès n’a été observé depuis lors. Pourtant, d'autres institutions et universités ont déjà franchi le pas en retirant la totalité de leurs investissements de l'industrie extractive. Par cette pétition, nous voulons envoyer un signal fort aux autorités universitaires et leur faire savoir que nous, citoyen·ne·s libre·s et responsable·s - étudiant·e·s, diplômé·e·s, enseignant·e·s, chercheur·euse·s, assistant·e·s, membres du personnel administratif, technique et ouvrier, Bruxellois·e·s ou habitant·e·s de cette Terre - n’acceptons pas que l’ULB compromette notre avenir et celui de notre planète en soutenant l’industrie des combustibles fossiles. Nous demandons à l'Université Libre de Bruxelles de faire preuve de responsabilité. En signant cette pétition, je marque mon soutien à la campagne « Fossil Free ULB ». Merci de préciser votre relation avec l'ULB dans votre signature (étudiant·e, membre du corps professoral, employé·e, ancien·ne étudiant·e, sous-traitant·e, etc.). Campagne soutenue par : 350.org Belgium, Greenpeace, BEA, Librex, AIC, Comac, Ecolo J, Cercle Oxfam, Amnesty International ULB, Campus en Transition ULB
    1,333 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by François Herinckx
  • VUB Fossil Free
    ENGLISH VERSION BELOW De klok tikt. Investeren in fossiele brandstoffen betekent investeren in een toekomst van een ongeziene klimaatontregeling. Ook vanuit ons land stromen er nog miljarden euro's aan investeringen richting de steenkool-, olie- en gasindustrie. Ook de VUB belegt haar geld in beleggingsfondsen met fossiele brandstof en onethische bedrijven in. Als Brusselse studenten roepen wij onze universiteit op om haar reserves voortaan strikt fossielvrij en ethisch verantwoord te beleggen. Het is voor onze universiteit een maatschappelijke plicht de fossiele industrie resoluut de rug toe te keren en het leiderschap te nemen in de transitie naar een duurzame toekomst. Jammer genoeg blijven concrete plannen van de VUB om te divesteren op zich wachten. Daarom voeren wij de druk op! Wat vragen wij aan het bestuur van de VUB? -Transparantie en openheid omtrent huidige en toekomstige beleggingen. -Volledig te divesteren uit de fossiele brandstofsector (steenkool-, olie- en gasindustrie) en bij uitbreiding onethische bedrijven (Landen of bedrijven die mensenrechten ernstig overtreden). -Duurzaamheid bij elke toekomstige investering in infrastructuur centraal te stellen. ------------------------------------------ENGLISH VERSION--------------------------------------------------- Time is running out. Investing in fossil fuels is investing in a future of irreversible damage to our planet’s climate. Even in Belgium, billions are spent investing in the coal, oil, and gas industries. The VUB, sadly, is no exception, and possesses investment funds that contain both fossil fuel companies, and unethical investments. We, the students of Brussels, call upon the VUB to invest its capital in a strictly fossil fuel free fashion and ethically responsible fashion. Our university, as a place of science and integrity, has a social responsibility to resolutely step away from the fossil fuel industry, and to take charge in the transition towards a sustainable future. Unfortunately, the VUB has not shown any initiative in divesting from the fossil fuel industry. This is why we’re making a push. Our demands for the VUB administration are as follows: -Transparency and openness on current and future investments -Complete divestment from the fossil fuel industry (coal, gas and oil), and by extension, unethical investments (i.e. governments or companies that infringe on human rights) -To give sustainability a central role in every future investment in infrastructure
    322 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Lore Steyaert
  • Divest Dumfries & Galloway Council's Pension Fund from Fossil Fuels
    Dumfries & Galloway Council has aspirations to be Europe's first carbon neutral region, yet its pension fund is the most heavily invested in fossil fuels in the whole of Scotland. Currently, the fund has more than £28 million invested directly in fossil fuels and almost another £50 million in projected indirect investment. These investment decisions make a mockery of the Council's own sustainability and climate change goals. Instead of fueling the climate crisis, it's time for Dumfries & Galloway Council to take a stand and divest from fossil fuels. The more than £78 million invested in fossil fuels could be directed to renewable energy in the Council's own area, promoting the potential for clean, green technologies in the region and boosting employment and infrastructure. With such a large fossil fuel investment (9.4% of their total fund), we would like to see D&G Council implement a 5-year plan to move to total fossil fuel divestment. Fossil fuels are the technology of the 20th century, not the 21st. Stocks in fossil fuels are volatile and the industry is preparing itself for a significant future loss of revenue caused by increasing extraction costs, falling quantities of available fuels and increasing public outrage at the lack of action on climate change. Our people and our planet can no longer afford to delay climate action.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Moodie
  • Divest Brent Council from Fossil Fuels
    We believe divestment from fossil fuels to be not only ethically and environmentally correct, but also financially prudent. Climate change is the greatest challenge humanity has encountered. The 20 hottest years on record have all occurred since 1981 and 2016 was the hottest ever [1]. Higher average temperatures are directly linked to extreme weather events such as heat waves, droughts, floods and storms. Scientists have unanimously concluded that these changes are a consequence of human activity, arising from the burning of fossil fuels [2]. Moreover, this activity has resulted in unprecedented levels of air pollution, now regarded as a major world killer [3]. In a speech at Lloyd’s of London in September 2015, Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England said that by the time ‘climate change becomes a defining issue for financial stability, it may already be too late’. Carney warned investors that policies to address climate change ‘would render the vast majority of reserves ‘stranded’ – oil, gas and coal that will be literally unburnable’ [4]. In order to continue developing fossil fuel reserves – particularly in the difficult areas where the remaining reserves are located (including the Arctic, the mouth of the Amazon and tar sands in sensitive areas) the developing companies need investment – divestment is a way of cutting off the funds needed to carry out these damaging activities. It also sends a powerful signal to the companies and others that it is time to move away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy. References: [0] http://tinyurl.com/lmskfgk [1] http://tinyurl.com/y9tkm4sn [2] http://tinyurl.com/3e3zv [3] http://tinyurl.com/pqgdd5q [4] http://tinyurl.com/ycspl5sg
    1,416 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Simon Erskine