• UiB ut av fossil energi - NÅ
    Klimaendringene er den største utfordringen i vår tid. I september 2013 offentliggjorde IPCC sin siste rapport, som slår fast at det er ekstremt sannsynlig at den observerte oppvarmingen i global temperatur siste halvdel av 1900-tallet er et resultat av menneskelig aktivitet og CO2-utslipp. En økning i global temperatur fører til endringer i natur og økosystem som truer vårt livsgrunnlag og annet liv på planeten. Tall fra Carbon Tracker Initiative viser at fire femdeler av verdens kjente ressurser av fossil energi må bli liggende i bakken hvis vi skal ha en reell sjanse for å unngå en global oppvarming over to grader. Den siste rapporten fra FNs Klimapanel IPCC viser at hvis vi fortsetter utslippene som i dag, vil vi ha en økning på over fire grader fra dagens temperatur. Skal vi holde oss innenfor togradersmålet må vi derfor kutte kraftig allerede nå, og utslippene må gå ned med omtrent fem prosent i året. OECD skriver i en ny rapport at vi må kutte radikalt nå, og fullstendig stanse utslipp innen 2050. Norge har vært heldige til nå, men vi ser at vår velferd er basert på utnyttelse av ressurser og menneskeliv i andre deler av verden. Samtidig som vi har tilgang på enorme energiressurser fra fornybar energi, utvinner vi olje og gass i et tempo som verken gagner oss eller verden i det lange løp. Å kutte i produksjonen handler ikke om at vi skal stanse oljeproduksjonen over natten, men krever at vi umiddelbart må begynne en omstilling til et fossilfritt samfunn. Universiteter og andre offentlige forskingsinstitusjoner har en enormt viktig rolle som premissleverandører for en slik omstilling. I følge de etiske retningslinjene for naturvitenskap og teknologi skal forskning være i overenstemmelse med menneskerettighetene, en bærekraftig utvikling og respekt for miljøet. I tillegg skal føre var-prinsippet anvendes der det er ”plausibel, men usikker kunnskap om en teknologisk anvendelse eller utvikling av et forskningsfelt kan føre til etisk uakseptable konsekvenser for helse, samfunn eller miljø”. Gitt tallene og scenariene fra FN, er det grunn til å stille spørsmål ved etikken rundt fortsatt forskning på teknologi som fører til mer utvinning og utslipp fra fossil energi. Universitetet i Bergen samarbeider med næringsliv på en rekke områder. Tette bånd til næringslivet har vært og er samfunnsnyttig på flere områder, men samarbeidspartnere må velges med omhu. UiB har i lang tid hatt en samarbeidsavtale med Statoil gjennom Akademia-avtalen. Avtalen står i kraft til 2018, men det sannsynlig at den vil bli forlenget forbi dette tidspunktet. For øyeblikket diskuteres det hvordan en forlenget avtale vil se ut. Dette er problematisk da samarbeidet forutsetter forskning som kan bidra til økt utvinning og en forlengelse av fossilalderen. Universitetet binder seg dessuten til positiv omtale av resultatene fra forskingen under avtalen, og setter dermed institusjonens uavhengighet i fare.
    984 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Ragnhild Dale
    If you think we have a lot of poverty, conflict and injustice in the world today, imagine a world with 4 degrees C of global warming. This is where we are headed by the end of this century, according to the most recent projections, if we carry on emitting CO2 the way we are now. [1] Those who will be hit hardest and first live in countries of the Global South, which lack the resources to adapt to this dramatic change in climate. Yet these people have made virtually no contribution to this problem. The responsibility for these emissions, and the power to reduce them, lies with the industrialised economies of the Global North. So far, we have failed to take action. Our governments and institutions continue to invest vast sums in companies extracting oil and gas, giving them huge public subsidies that have helped to make them the most profitable companies in the world. SOAS is famous for our passion for promoting the peoples and cultures of Africa and Asia. Yet when faced with the problem of climate change, which poses the greatest threat in human history to those very peoples and cultures, SOAS too has failed to take action. SOAS still holds investments in a number of fossil fuel companies. We need to shift our money away from these companies today if we are to have any hope of preventing climate disaster. By divesting from fossil fuels, SOAS will join dozens of other universities, religious institutions and local governments across the world that have already committed to going fossil free. Together, we can make a substantial dent in the financial support that the fossil fuel industry needs to survive. We will also send an important signal to our governments and private sector about the urgent moral and financial imperative of shutting down fossil fuels. In doing this, we form part of an illustrious history of university divestment campaigns shifting public opinion on the great moral issues of our day-- from the anti-apartheid campaigns of the 1980s to SOAS’ own divestment from the arms trade in 2005. “To anyone who continues to deny the reality that is climate change, I dare you to get off your ivory tower and away from the comfort of your armchair. I dare you to go to the islands of the Pacific and see the impacts of rising sea levels… to the large deltas of the Mekong, the Ganges, the Amazon, and the Nile where lives and livelihoods are drowned… to the vast savannas of Africa where climate change has likewise become a matter of life and death … And if that is not enough, you may want to pay a visit to the Philippines right now.” -Philippines delegate Yeb Sano at the opening of the UN climate negotiations on 13 November 2013, before embarking on a hunger strike [1] http://www.climatechange2013.org/images/uploads/WGIAR5_WGI-12Doc2b_FinalDraft_All.pdf
    1,054 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by SOAS students Picture
  • Open letter to the University of Cambridge and Colleges
    From our work and engagement with students from diverse political backgrounds, we recognize that students unerringly want to see a lucrative, prosperous endowment. They also express a significant commitment to seeing this endowment undergirded by principles. They find it important that the University’s investments are aligned with the University’s mission to “contribute to society” and the University’s core values such as the “concern for sustainability and the relationship with the environment”. Students continually assert that the University has a responsibility for the social and environmental impacts of its investments, and although the University’s primary aim is to contribute to society through education and research, the companies the University invests in might both directly and indirectly counteract these contributions. On a broader note, we believe the relationship between our finances and global issues needs to be further discussed. As an example, Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), has called upon public institutions around the world to expand their understanding of fiduciary duties, and to recognize the carbon impact of their investments. We feel that Cambridge University, as one of the world’s leading academic institutions, should think very carefully about its duties as a global institution and the message it sends out when it ignores such calls. While we are not here today to argue which specific companies or sectors are responsible or irresponsible, we strongly believe that there needs to be a wider and more open discussion about how the University can improve the social and environmental impact of their investments. We want to see a more extensive review process which is open to result in a change in the investment policy and practice making Cambridge University one of the leading investors regarding both the financial returns and the social and environmental impact of their investments.
    590 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Suyin Chalmin-Pui
  • University of Glasgow: DIVEST from the Fossil Fuel Industry
    The world in which the students of the University of Glasgow are to graduate into is currently threatened by the reality of climate change. Already the world is suffering the effects of 1°C rise in global average temperatures. Last year, Arctic sea-ice cover had retreated to its lowest levels since the beginning of satellite records, and the average global sea level was 1.4in above the 1993-2010 average. The world is experiencing more severe draught, wildfires and flooding, which impact the world's poorest most severely; the World Health Organisation estimates that climate change is causing at least 140,000 deaths per year. The fossil fuel industry is unequivocally driving us towards a global climate crisis, and we will not keep dangerous climate change at bay without halting our extraction of fossil-fuels. The university has both a moral and a financial duty to its students to withdraw its investments from the fossil fuel industry. The moral case is clear: if it is wrong to wreck the climate, then it is wrong to profit from that wreckage. Furthermore, fossil fuels are a dangerous investment. The value of companies like Shell, BP and Chevron is based on the assumption that they will be able to dig up and sell their fossil fuel reserves. But if the world gets serious about stopping climate change, that would mean keeping 80% of proven fossil fuel reserves in the ground, and the assumption that forms the basis for these companies' value will be undermined. We call on the University of Glasgow to lead the way on this issue, and protect the future of its students, by divesting from the fossil fuel industry now.
    1,356 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Fossil Free Glasgow Picture
  • Divest Dalhousie from Fossil Fuels
    It is wrong for an institution of higher education to profit from the destruction of the planet. Dalhousie's investments in the fossil fuel industry actively compromise the ability of our generation, and our children’s generation, to lead socially and environmentally healthy lives. By investing in the fossil fuel industry we are investing in an industry whose profitability depends on ensuring the catastrophic effects of climate change. This is not only problematic and dire, it means that investment in fossil fuels undermines the values held by Dalhousie University. As a self-declared leader in sustainability, it's time for Dal to put its money where its mouth is - and invest in both future students and the future of the planet.
    2,002 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Divest Dalhousie Picture
    Time and again it has been scientifically proven that climate change triggered by the increase of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere is directly linked to human industrial activity that is powered by the burning of fossil fuels. To stabilise atmospheric CO2 concentrations and thereby minimise the hard to predict impacts of rising global temperatures, we need to take action right now. Therefore, we the students of LSE are asking the school to disclose its endowment fund investments. If the portfolio contains investments in fossil fuel focussed companies, we will work with the the school to shift its focus towards low carbon technology and clean energy companies. We must mitigate the anthropogenic effect by addressing where our institution is investing its money.
    1,055 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Collective of environmentally conscious LSE students
  • Fossil Free Göteborgs universitet
    Fossil Free har kommit till Göteborg! Fossil Free är en internationell kampanj som verkar för att gemensamma tillgångar (skattepengar och andra resurser) som investeras i olja, kol och gas, lyfts ur investeringen (divesteras). Det är inte många institutioner idag som placerar sina tillgångar i vapenindustrin - det är helt enkelt betraktat som omoraliskt. Människor håller med varandra om att vapen inte är okej att stödja. Det vi nu insett är att även olja, kol och gas kan ses som vapen: Vapen riktade mot oss, klimatet och vår framtid. Är det då verkligen moraliskt att ha sina pengar placerade i en industri som utsätter oss alla för fara, en industri som bevisligen spenderar miljarder årligen på att genom lobbyism och klimatskeptiska tankesmedjor förhala all politisk handling riktad mot en förnybar omställning? "If it's wrong to wreck the climate, then it's wrong to profit from that wreckage!" Det finns även starka finansiella incitament för att divestera ur fossilindustrin. Vi har råd med absolut max en 2-gradig global medeltemperaturhöjning. För att hålla oss under 2 grader har vi råd att släppa ut max 565 gigaton koldioxid i atmosfären fram till 2050, detta enligt rapporten “Unburnable Carbon” från Carbon Tracker Initiative. Enligt samma rapport sitter dock fossilindustrin redan på gas-, kol- och oljekällor som vid utvinning och förbränning skulle orsaka utsläpp av 2 795 gigaton koldioxid. Utifrån detta kan vi räkna ut att 80% av befintliga fossila bränslen måste lämnas under jord, ifall vi vill bibehålla ett någorlunda stabilt klimat på jorden! Det innebär också att de pengar vi har placerade i dessa bränslen kommer att försvinna i tomma intet så snart alla inser att vi måste lämna 80% under jord - detta är en finansiell bubbla, också känd som "fossilbubblan", som förmodligen kommer att spricka inom en snar framtid. Inte vill väl vi förlora 80% av värdet på stora delar av våra tillgångar? För vidare information besök http://gofossilfree.org/about/ och se gärna "Do the Math", en film som beskriver problematiken med att fossilindustrin ges fria tyglar (med stöd av våra pengar): http://vimeo.com/66066932
    1,650 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Hannah Saldert
  • St. Lawrence University: Invest in our Futures
    St. Lawrence has a moral and economic obligation to end all investments that benefit from exploiting the planet that cause climate change. "Green is an unofficial St. Lawrence color because environmental sustainability is more than a core value – it’s our way of life," if we are going to advertise this, then we should live up to our principles. Climate change is the most serious problem humanity has ever faced. Now is the time to make changes, not tomorrow, not next year, and certainly not next generation. We have an obligation to ourselves and to future generations to act now. We are not fighting for the planets existence, it will be around for billions of years. We are fighting for a habitable planet for human existence. Generations from now, when they will look back at our legacies, they will see that we rose to the great climate crisis and we overcame the largest challenge humanity has ever faced.
    1,534 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by David Smith Picture
  • Responsible Investment for the University of Edinburgh
    Edinburgh University has over £230 million worth of investments. The companies receiving some of this bountiful fund include 3 arms companies. A massive 16% of the University's endowment goes to fossil fuel companies, undermining the goals of the University's 'Climate Action Plan', which aims to reduce the university's carbon footprint by 29% by 2020. On top of all this, numerous companies that the University invests in, including Shell and Monsanto, have been accused of human rights abuses. With the 3rd largest endowment fund in the UK, and the largest in Scotland, the University of Edinburgh has the opportunity to lead the way on sustainability and social responsibility in finance. The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body whose mission it is, amongst others, to ‘make a significant, sustainable and socially responsible contribution to Scotland, the UK and the world’. We want this mission to be reflected in the university’s investment portfolio.
    1,201 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Felicity Monk
  • Fossil Free Leiden University
    Wij, studenten van de oudste universiteit van Nederland, vinden dat het tijd wordt om naar de toekomst te kijken en te denken aan de generaties studenten die nog komen. Om die reden roepen wij de Universiteit Leiden dan ook op om te desinvesteren en zo samen met andere aangesloten instellingen een klimaatcrisis te voorkomen. Ons team kan altijd extra enthousiastelingen gebruiken, we horen dan ook graag van je via een van onze sociale media! At this point in time, we - mankind - have the opportunity to act and stop a climate crisis from happening. Divestment from fossil fuels is a big step in this process. Leiden University, one of the most prestigious universities and the oldest university in the Netherlands, should join this campaign to show that they are not only educating tomorrow's generation but that they are also concerned about the world in which that generation - and many to follow - will live. In doing this Leiden University can show that they take sustainability serious and show society that they are willing to step up and together with others prevent a climate crisis from happening.
    481 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Bente Klein
  • Landmark College: Go Fossil Free!
    Climate change is accelerating. We are witnessing the increasing impacts of a warming planet more and more consistently; in this last year alone our country experienced record-breaking heat, droughts, and hurricanes, which impacted hundreds of thousands of people and cost our country hundreds of billions of dollars. Hurricane Sandy alone caused $50 billion in damages. Experts agree that global warming caused by humans burning fossil fuels will continue to accelerate and intensify these tragic climate disasters. The scientific consensus is clear and overwhelming; we cannot safely burn even half of global fossil-fuel reserves without dangerously warming the planet for several thousand years.
    294 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Colette Millard
  • Fossil Free Jönköping University
    Fossil Free är en internationell kampanj för att flytta våra gemensamma tillgångar (skattepengar och andra resurser) från investeringar i olja, kol och gas. Det är inte många institutioner idag som placerar sina tillgångar i vapenindustrin - det är helt enkelt betraktat som omoraliskt. Människor håller med varandra om att vapen inte är okej att stödja. Det vi nu insett är att även olja, kol och gas kan ses som vapen: Vapen riktade mot oss, klimatet och vår framtid. Är det då verkligen moraliskt att ha sina pengar placerade i en industri som utsätter oss alla för fara, en industri som bevisligen spenderar miljarder årligen på att genom lobbyism och klimatskeptiska tankesmedjor förhala all politisk handling riktad mot en förnybar omställning? "If it's wrong to wreck the climate, then it's wrong to profit from that wreckage!" Det finns även starka finansiella incitament för att divestera ur fossilindustrin. Vi har råd med absolut max en 2-gradig global medeltemperaturhöjning. För att hålla oss under 2 grader har vi råd att släppa ut max 565 gigaton koldioxid i atmosfären fram till 2050, detta enligt rapporten “Unburnable Carbon” från Carbon Tracker Initiative. Enligt samma rapport sitter dock fossilindustrin redan på gas-, kol- och oljekällor som vid utvinning och förbränning skulle orsaka utsläpp av 2 795 gigaton koldioxid. Utifrån detta kan vi räkna ut att 80% av befintliga fossila bränslen måste lämnas under jord, ifall vi vill bibehålla ett någorlunda stabilt klimat på jorden! Det innebär också att de pengar vi har placerade i dessa bränslen kommer att försvinna i tomma intet så snart alla inser att vi måste lämna 80% under jord - detta är en finansiell bubbla som förmodligen kommer att spricka inom en snar framtid. Inte vill väl vi förlora 80% av värdet på stora delar av våra tillgångar? Se gärna "Do the Math", en film som beskriver problematiken med att fossilindustrin ges fria tyglar (med stöd av våra pengar): http://vimeo.com/66066932
    778 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Andreas Jonsson